Monday, December 05, 2016

Fidel Stole Cuba's Freedom : World Leaders Swoon

A mass killer - A tyrant for the ages and loved by libeals
Still this is amazing that so many Americans and others believe that Castro, a mass killer, is not only just someone that enforces the law but has been a positive force in Cuba for the last five decades.

What does this say about us and other Western nations?

A progressive liberal like Geraldo Rivera believes that Castro was a dynamic individual that brought change to that island nation that Rivera believed was needed, and supposedly the reason for the Cuban revolution in the first place.

But as history so vividly points out he is just another communists in along line of communists tyrants to bring chaos and murder to their populations. Fidel has destroyed Cuba and neighboring nations as he exports his killing ideology and his insanity.

And where is Barack in all this? Sitting at a baseball game next to Fidel's brother?


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