Monday, December 05, 2016

Black Conservatives Beware : Progressives Uncomfortable


One thing we can always rely on, the progressive socialist liberal democrats are all about inclusiveness, they are all about the 'Big Tent' agenda. Everyone is welcome.
Well, it appears that some people are more welcome then others. Still, you can't fault them for saying and encouraging to vote for them, it's just that they don't like some people to be to close to where they live, in the seats of power.
To the progressive, a powerful black man like Ben Carson makes them uncomfortable. It's kind of in the DNA, a flash back to the early days of the democrat party when it was founded. In those days it was a time of uncompromising hard liners that ran the show. But it's their legacy and their history.
When something like this is so deeply embedded in the genes, you can run from your history, but it's very hard to hide. It appears though many are not making much effort to run or hide.
Nancy Pelosi deciding who is qualified and who isn't.
''Our country deserves a HUD Secretary with the relevant experience. Dr. Carson is a disturbingly unqualified choice. ''
A remarkable statement coming from the leader of a political party that was just kicked  to the curb by the people.
Photo published for Racism? Pelosi, Takei, liberal hate machine freaks out over choice of Ben Carson as HUD Secretary ⋆...

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