Thursday, March 03, 2016

Deception & Treachery : Information IS Power to Control

But it's not just Hillary that is getting the deception treatment, so is Trump but for different reasons.

The progressive socialist media has their collective sights on Trump because they believe they have another ''maverick'' like they had in McCain back in 2008. Someone they can 'pump up' during the run-up to the national debate where it comes down to 'them against us', and that's when the big guns come out to do diligence for the media's selected candidate, Hillary Clinton and against Trump, which they know would be a target rich environment.

The bottom line for Hillary , of course, will be if Hillary is indicted for her email treachery. Still the possibility of the department of justice (DOJ) actually indicting her is remote. Mr Objma will do whatever is necessary to protect his legacy of social change, and the media will do exactly what they are told by their betters in the democrat national committee, which is to attack all opposition to her push for the White House and total control of the government.

This is a slam dunk of epic proportions for the progressive democrats, but given the state of our county that is in decline, this will be a complete disaster for the nations as Hillary has promised a 'lock step' march with  Mr Objma's plan for "fundamental change for America".

There is also an important deviation here from what Hillary say she will do and what she actually does and for different reasons. Hillary probably doesn't give a dam about fundamental changing of the country, her aim probably is solely about the power to control outcomes, and those outcomes that directly effect her and her agenda to be able to rub shoulders with the real rich and powerful.

This I believe is her driving force above all else. Hillary, I believe, has a terrible inferiority complex that is more important then anything else to her, and the only way for her to alleviate the pain is to  focus on taking as much power as she can from anyone and anything, and that includes the ultimate source of power to her is the United States Treasury as a bottomless  source of money. The mothers milk of all power in the world.

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