Saturday, March 05, 2016

Argument for 2nd Amendment Rights : Rubio Explains (Video)

One has to understand that the run for president hinges on who do you trust to lead the country when all things around us are imperil, especially our freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution. You have to know our Constitution is under attack. argument

Here is a video from the Fox News debate on how our 2nd amendment is extremely important for the survival of our society, and to ensure that our nation remains free. There are forces in society and in our government that are dedicated to disarming the population for reasons that are not in the best interest of safety or our freedom to chose, it's clearly about controlling outcomes, and having an armed population will deny those among us that want a dependent and subjective citizenry.

Their personal agenda, lead by Mr Objma, is to "fundamentally change America'' as he promised in the run-up presidential elections in 2008, has come full circle. America is changing and for the worse.

These are historic times we are living in, and to allow the Constitution to be subverted to an agenda and ideology of progressive socialism or worse, is to fail our duty to our family and all those that have given their last full measure to save our country from destruction at the hands of despots and tyrants.

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