Friday, January 01, 2016

The Clinton Team's Second Phase : A Hero Returns

As I have mentioned on several occasions, the Clintons are a team. I can't imagine there is any love lost between these two other then their love for money and power. So if Hillary wants to run her husband out onto the campaign trail to try and persuade the votes to elect Hillary, then we the people have to know that it's not just Bill Clinton that's stands at the front of the crowd, Hillary is there as well even though you can't see her.

Everything that happens concerning the Clintons, you have to understand it's a team effort.

Bill and Hillary Clinton are team members and their collective agenda is to take power by any means necessary. And to deny Bill's record on sexual abuse of women, his war on women using his power of position, and that it has nothing to do with Hillary is just more progressive propaganda from the main steam media.

Clinton Secret Server copy

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