Tuesday, January 05, 2016

Republican Establishment's Agenda : Compromise

This is something that makes me angry and frustrated at the same time, maybe even more then seeing the results of Paul Ryan's budget compromise with the progressive socialist liberal democrats. To get the bill passed, Ryan had to fill the democrats wish list and then some or the bill would get the nec4essary votes, even not enough Republicans votes.

Many of the Republicans wanted to get the bill passed and the best way to do that they believed was to compromise Conservative principles. Democrats didn't have to compromise on anything as history will show they never do, ever. And why should they, they have no opposition. Republicans are always ready to 'go alone to get along'. Comprise is their middle name. Republicans just want to belong to the club. Ryan is proof of that.

And as this article points out, and if memory serves me on the election battle in Nevada and on how the Republicans refused to give much moral or financial support to Sharron Angle or Christian O'Donnell in Rhode Island as they didn't fit the pattern of what the effete controllers of the Republican party wanted as candidates, they collectively through them under the bus.

And the consequences of course was they both lost.

(copy and paste)

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