Monday, January 04, 2016

Billy-Bob Clinton's Array of Targets : None Laying Down This Time

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Unfortunately the pictures and writing is too small to decipher but the message is clear - Billy dropped his pants on many occasions and now he has to find a way to escape the ghosts of sexual encounters and attacks of the past.

The conventional wisdom is this will have no effect on Hillary. All the fun times between the sheets and free hands under the skirts is just Billy's lacey and doesn't have anything to do his wife. Really? Nothing? Hillary running interference on the "Bimbo Eruptions" campaign?

Some say that even if a video surfaces showing Hillary putting a gun to Vincent Fosters heads that sends him into next week wouldn't matter, and the FBI investigation of emails is just a joke. After all, the FBI is part of the Department of Justice and the AG Lynch takes orders from the White House daily.

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