Thursday, January 07, 2016

Mr Objma's Fall Back Position : Pivot From Responsibility

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I strongly believe this is a fair depiction of our commander and chief except he has a second agenda running that he grew up with and motivates him. His education from the beginning is a hatred for Western civilization that is based on individual freedom.

Individual freedom, liberty and the personal pursuit of happiness that is guaranteed in our Constitution is a sign of weakness to Mr Objma. The Constitution states what the government cannot do to the people, but Mr Objma believes it should state what the government must do to and for the people. Centralized power.

Mr Objma is a progressive socialist, a statist and worse. He believes ultimate power must be in the hands of the few that understands the needs of the people better then the people themselves.

His agenda is similar to others from history's resent past, "each according to his needs and from each according to his abilities". Sound familiar?

Having to face the difficult problems of 'securing the domestic tranquility' and national security is too difficult under the demands of our Constitution which he believes is flawed, and so turns away from his responsibilities as leader of the free world.  Instead relies on his mentor and friend like Bill Ayers, and Saul Alinsky's book, Rules for Radicals, as a his guide for his fundamental change that he promised in 2008 and we are all seeing first hand the results of Mr Objma's promise.

Mr Objma has no intention of standing up against terror over seas or domestic terror. When ever it occurs his first thought is how do I defect any implications that connects him to his failed oath of office to protect the country from all domestic and foreign attack.

As a progressive socialist liberal democrat, his basic instincts dictate to find ways to blame others, and do nothing that might involve his personal agenda to keep power and might jeopardize his personal safety. This is always the fall back position that good progressive socialists take to preserve their power even if it means the country is put a risk. They are cowards. Always have been and always will be. It's who they are. It's in their DNA.

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