Thursday, January 07, 2016

I Am A Progressive Democrat : Hillary Admits Socialist Ties

Embedded image permalinkAs Hillary has now opening stated she is a progressive democrat illustrates and not a socialist speaks volumes about who and what she is. How is it possible to be a progressive and not be a socialist?

As many have stated over the past decades, the Clintons are domestic socialists when it comes to individuals that are subject to their power, but live the best criminal capitalist lives in the world. Using and abusing everyone to make them selves rich.

It is virtually impossible to point to one aspect of their collective lives that demonstrates public service that matters to society in general. Every move by the Clintons is designed to make them rich and powerful and by any means necessary. They are criminals of the worst kind. They stand before the people and profess how they are for the people, the middle class, and what they will do to advance their lives to be more prosperous if they are elected. And in reality some of their nonsense is the truth, only with one caveat, they only want to use and abuse the middle class as a spring boards to gain power and position that will allow them to gain control of the country's assets.

The history of the Clintons over the decades shows they have not even tried to hide their agenda for ultimate power and corruption, and yet million flock to them and they are loved for it. I wonder if this is part of the 'new world order' that Mr Objma has so efficiently installed over the last 7 years? The people are now ready to become subjects of control?

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