Wednesday, November 02, 2022

What Changed In Our Country? : Biiyden's Disappointments and Failures!

With November 8th coming on fast, we have every reason, no matter where one looks for positive accomplishments, we see only failure and destruction. It's clear to never ever again vote for any democraaat as they all, to the very last man and woman, voted to make the catastrophic disaster our country has become. 

He and his friends by design voted to destroy country and our way of life!

''COME ON MAN, THIS IS NO JOKE!!'' screamed out leader when he was talking about inflation, (and other things that make no sense) ''nothing to see here, there is no inflation, it's ZERO''!

No matter how hard you try, you can hide from Joe's attempt
to destroy the country the way it was founded! But why?
Look no further than the man standing right behind him,
Barrrack Ogbjmma! (His third term in office!)

How did this happen that so many good citizsens believed
self-preservation wasn't important enough to use good common
 sense and logic when the voted back in 2020? And yet, here we 
are again on the cusp of another vote that will change our way
of life forever if we fail to do the right thing!

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