Just think about this for a split second, millions of citizens are ready and willing to vote for Ol' Joe Biden! And you think the Wuhan virus is a dangerous situation?
How many have forgotten the total corruption that was in full progress before and after Donald Trump was elected as President of The United States? Remember the democraaats trying to over-throw a duly elected government of this great country with the official from FBI, the CIA and the Justice Department? Do we want to return to this?
The sad part voting for Joe Biden shows the same willingness to take a knee to the power brokers in the media and some career bureaucrats in our health agencies that demand they have the answers to everything that causes us harm and therefore we all must obey or die.
In truth, they had no idea what was going on but saw an opportunity to enhance their own self-serving careers. They lied! Judas lied just for money, but he hung himself because of his actions. But our career bureaucrat health care offices have no intention of leaving the swill when the taking is good!
Voting for Ol' Joe will complete the cycle of obedience that the porgressive socialist liberal democraaats have in store for all of us!! It's the tyranny of few and the willing obedience of the many.
But when it all fails and as it always does and has, few will look in the mirror to see why!
How many have forgotten the total corruption that was in full progress before and after Donald Trump was elected as President of The United States? Remember the democraaats trying to over-throw a duly elected government of this great country with the official from FBI, the CIA and the Justice Department? Do we want to return to this?
The sad part voting for Joe Biden shows the same willingness to take a knee to the power brokers in the media and some career bureaucrats in our health agencies that demand they have the answers to everything that causes us harm and therefore we all must obey or die.
In truth, they had no idea what was going on but saw an opportunity to enhance their own self-serving careers. They lied! Judas lied just for money, but he hung himself because of his actions. But our career bureaucrat health care offices have no intention of leaving the swill when the taking is good!
Voting for Ol' Joe will complete the cycle of obedience that the porgressive socialist liberal democraaats have in store for all of us!! It's the tyranny of few and the willing obedience of the many.
But when it all fails and as it always does and has, few will look in the mirror to see why!
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