Wednesday, April 22, 2020

New Invention : Turns Plastic Back Into Oil!? (Video)

Interesting. If this is really a working product that reuses all plastic based containers and such and return them into useful items, what a cool invention.. Innovation will make life better! The free market of ideas will win the day. (But please no more mandates!) Also, what exactly do we do with the unrefined oil and other by-products?

Maybe, if this isn't a scam, it would be a good idea for a corporation to start a huge plant some where and get it going to use up all of the plastic that's in landfills?

Japanese Ingenuity -- Save your plastic ~~~
This is one of the most amazing emails and break-through in Technology I have ever seen!!! 

Why aren't we doing this now????

I think we should all do what we can to save what we are destroying!  Not surprised at this at all, just a case of Japanese ingenuity and perseverance. What is more important would be the marketing and very low cost to make it mandatory to have one of these in every home. 
(The sound is all in Japanese. Just read the subtitles and watch. What a great discovery!)

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