Sunday, March 31, 2019

Jussie Tells Libeals Not To Worry : I Have This Under Control - I'm An Actor!

The people are slowly find out just how far the democrats are willing to demonstrate their total distain and contempt for common sense and the rule of law.

The facts say he did it with 16 indictments to prove it but Jussie says, I'm innocent.

Jussie is well aware of his ability to persuade others to his way of thinking, after all he is an actor so smooth taking and being a democrat in good standing will win the day. Oh, and having the Ogbjmmas on his side means a lot as well.

Chicago loves the Ogbjmmas!

And the Ogbjmmas are well aware of their ability to do what every they want knowing they will not have to answer any questions concerning their collective actions.

The rule of law for the progressive socialsit liberal democrats is ''What every works'' for them. And as we all witnessed in the once great state of New York, not even murder of children is not out of bounds. So how bad can things get for Smollett when murdering babies is no big deal?

Jussie is just one of many special people that are designated as above 
the law. How come?

The Mafia crime family used a special  organization for the elimination people they don't like or need, called a ''wet'' organization called Murder Inc.

Now the democrats are using the same technique to eliminated people they don't need or want.

That is anyone that stands in their collective way. Money and the power of position speaks loudly.

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