Sunday, March 17, 2019

Jon McNaughton's New Painting : America At The Crossroads

Jon McNaughton's master piece depicts just how, we down here in the trenches see the progressive socialist liberal democrats that are attacking our individual freedom and our Constitution that has guided us all to unprecedented prosperity for the last 240 years.

Why are these people so intent on destroying it all? Who are these people, really? What do they hope to gain? Where did they come from? Why are they so hatful in such a prosperous nation?

What is it about America that drives to be so vengeful as they enjoy all the benefits accorded to them by our Constitution? They all are living the good life. 

And yet, the progressive socialist liberal democrats are relentless. As the saying goes, 'the progressive democrats are consistently wrong but never in doubt'.

President Trump stands against the hateful mob of political attackers
wishing to transform America.

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