Monday, January 01, 2018

Democrats Demonstrate Hoplessness : No Plans And No Ideas! Bankrupt!

democrats are hopelessly bankrupt of ideas and morallessly corrupted.
For democrats, stating idiocy is par for the course if it achieves the desired results. More money and power for them. The progressive socialist liberal demcocrat leadership knows that no matter how far into the cesspool of false promises and failed programs designed and implemented by democrats, OgbjmaCare, their voter base will always continue to vote for more of the same.

It's like the Lemmings headed for the cliff, no fence or trench or any other construction will stop their headlong charge to destruction.

So, just because there isn't any water doesn't mean there necessarily aren't any fish. The progressive socialists liberal democrats blindly attack in all direction hoping for a strike that will produce the desired effect showing their agenda is creditable and true.

And yet, what we see and hear from democrats is so obviously false in their claims in light of known facts by most in the trenches, that just with common knowledge, the democrat's agenda is seen contrary to what is fact.

Still, the progressive liberal democrats proceed blindly forward with their nonsense arm waving and screams of coming disasters, Nancy Pelosi as she proclaims the Trump agenda that will kill millions and devastate the country.

Obviously what is really at stake here is Trump is exposing the progressives socialist liberal democrats as purveyors of baseless, worthless issues of bad news coming even when they know the general public, especially the millions that voted for Trump any others that doubted, are enjoying the fruits of their vote last November.

Everything is better then it was just one year ago. That is, everything is better then was for the last 8 years of Barack and his ilk in the socialist liberal democrat collective that nearly drove the country into financial ruin and psychological despair.

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