Monday, September 04, 2017

The New World Order of Modernism : Tradition Must Go

The 'New World Order' demands obedience through violence.
The problem is why the guy satnding on the boad on the right just doesn't step off the board?

The 'tradition' of a free individual is to do what is necessary to sustain a civil sociality for themselves and future generations. Allowing a few to determine outcomes for the many is unacceptable. American tradition say this must not stand.

Tradition dictates action to preserve a society based on the rule of law, and not those that believe violence in the streets will change our country to what they believe is the 'new world order' of an elite few commanding a centralized authority.

Our 240 year history of civil society based on the rule of law as found in our Constitution has served us well and must be protected. To do other wise is assuring our own demise as a free nation of individuals.

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