Monday, September 04, 2017

Ignorance of Economics Rules Millennials? : Socialism Works?

Socialism is spending other peoples money just to be fair.
It appears ignorance of history and the easily gullible are ruling the day.

The progressive socialist liberals have done a good job of educating  the young to believe that prosperity comes from demanding those that have the will and fortitude to provide for themselves, help others who can't or won't provide the needed effort to have the same benefits and privileges afforded to the industrious, the productive.

The progressive socialists believe it isn't ''fair'' for some to have the necessities for a good life while others languish on the side lines. Everyone should have all of the same things as everyone else. It's the theory of 'taking from the productive and giving to the unproductive', leveling the playing field. Why should some people have things and others don't?

This theory was practiced in eastern European countries for decades but failed completely. It was establish in the twentieth century as the basis for what they believed was being fair, "To each according to ones needs and from each according to ones abilities''.

Unfortunately those that didn't believe this was a fair solution for prosperity for all, found them selves freezing to death in Siberia or in a shallow grave. What exactly is being fair?

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