Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Commit A Crime - Go To Jail : Democrats Get A Pass

Oh wait - this guy, Dinesh D'Souza, was found guilty of doing something that was against the law, even though many others at the time were doing the same thing, and had for years, but they were mostly democrats, but this man, a Conservative had to do time in jail.

Read his books to find out just where our country has gone, or better yet, how the democrats are systematically destroying our country.

 Now ask the question of how did this happen but Hillary gets a pass out of jail for her illegal email server, and for her use of her position as Secretary of State to raise $100's of millions of dollar selling parts of our Amerian heritage?

What a dumb question. Hillary and Bill are progressive democrats. The judicial system is not equipped to bring a sentence of guilt against a democrat, especially one that will bring major crimes to our system allowing our judges at all levels of the system to show their collective appreciation for being allowed to be members of the progressive socialist liberal collective.

 And as Bill Ayes, a known terrorist said when he was released for his crime of bombing a police station on a technicality, ''Guilty and hell, free as a bird. What a great country we live in.''

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