Sunday, October 09, 2016

Chose With No Regret : Trump, Hillary, Johnson or Clorox


What is the answer to choosing the right person to lead our country? Actually, for the most part, given all of the illegals and dead people that are voting these days, the choice is yours - hopefully you won't take the last choice.

But then the other two or three can be detrimental to health as well.

What a great country we live in, people that are running to be elected to the highest office in the land, one is a carnival barker and blow hard, one is living a fantasy of 'just do your own thing' is okay, and the third candidate is guilty of negligent homicide and maybe even treason given her state department connection and the Clinton Crime Family Foundation raking in $100's of $millions of $dollars at the same time.

But hey, that's okay - pay no attention to the guys behind the curtain, 'we're the government and we're here to help'

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