Saturday, September 17, 2016

Gov. Johnson Understands Politics : Who? Aleppo Fourth Marx Brother?

This can't be! Govern Johnson thought that Aleppo was the fourth Marx brother? But hey, that's okay. Given what has transpired over there in Syria under the magnificent leadership of our Maximum leader Barack Ogbjma, and what has transpired there, he may as well thought Aleppo was a comic actor rather then a scene of mass destruction and death.

Ya know, maybe Mr Ogbjma is using Aleppo as a dry run for what he wants to transpire in America? And as a result of his religious jihad of  pathological deception, misinformation and  unscrupulous agenda for dividing the country into warring factions that will produce chaos that he can use to further his demand for obedience to fulfill his duty as leader of his religious jihad transformation.

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