Sunday, January 03, 2016

Tyranny by Any Other Name IS Still Tyranny : The People Become Servants

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Mr Objma's ideology is in opposition to our constitution. As he has stated on many occasions he finds to restrictive. He said it states what the government cannot do, but to make it more meaningful it should state what government can do for the people.

What he is saying the people are not capable of self governance. They need to be lead in the right direction.

Mr Objma knows this is tyranny but he doesn't care. He isn't from around here so the laws that have guided us for 236 years in our Constitution don't apply to him and the other progressive socialists in his collective.

Mr Objma believes he can do what ever he wants because there isn't any opposition in congress or the courts.

What is so unnerving for most of us that still believes the Constitution is the law of the land, and our system of counter balancing government has always worked before and we can't seem to understand that the old system has broken down.

Our government is no longer dedicated to serving the people. It's about serving Mr Objma's ideology of "fundamental change" where the people no longer have personal freedom but are tasked to serve the government and it's demands for equal opportunity in all things. No one should have an advantage over someone else.

There are certain exception of course in that someone must have hold the reigns of power that brings the equal prosperity to those that deserve it. Mr Objma believes he is destined to bring the change he believes is needed in America. Basically, taking from the productive and giving to the unproductive. This well know ideology of Mr Objma is stated in most text books as "To each according to his needs and from each according his abilities".

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