Friday, January 08, 2016

Mr Objma's Tears On Que : It's Show Time!

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When I saw Mr Objma hesitate for several seconds during his press conference, I wondered what was happening. And the look on his face was confusing at first, but when the tears stared to roll I knew what was happening, it was show time for the weak minded and half wits that compromise the talking heads and brain death that are sitting in the front pew of Mr Objma's church of progressive socialism.

I found it absolutely disgusting that many of the cable news anchors like Bill O'Reilly and Megan Kelly, but there were others as well on the lettered channels, expressed their thoughts on his tears as sincerity for those that were killed by an insane gunman. What nonsense. He doesn't give a dam about those kids or anyone else that has been killed by madmen or terrorists.

Mr Objma is moralless, heartless and shameless. He is driven by only his ideology that requires all others to be obedient and compliant. If you object to his power, you will become an enemy of the state.

On so many other occasions he has shown no compassion at all, and the worst of these perhaps was the slaughter in Californian of 14 people, but Mr Objma couldn't have cared less. It took two weeks before he decided to acknowledge the tragedy, and only then because it was on his way to Hawaii for three weeks of vacation.

The tears were false, just like his entire life has been just for show. A free ride from his beginnings in Kenya with his father to now. A show case for his inner most beliefs and ideology that civilized nations are an impediment to a new world order of centralized authority. Individual freedom and the ownership of property is not conducive to fulfill Mr Objma's dream of an utopia where no one is better then anyone else, except for him, of course.

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