Friday, January 01, 2016

Hillary Stand Strong For Rape Victims : But There is One Exception

Hillary stand firm in her dedication to the truth and is willing to go the extra mile by sending out the A Team, Bill, (BABA) to show just how serious she is to stand behind her claim that all rape victim must have their day in court.

But like any statement from a democrat, there are certain 'cutouts', exceptions, that the media must understand so in effect  not muddy the waters. The most important one is that the press must not make any connections between Bill and what he did to all those women over the years. Hillary is his wife and partner of course, but pay no attention to his inconvenient truth. Not complying to the most basic rule is not acceptable, and if you don't adhere to this standard of behavior, you will no longer be recognized as a member of the democrat collective and be cast into the outer darkness of Conservative thought.

Hillary sends a message to the media : If you can't lie like we tell you, what good are you to the team?

Junitta Broderick copy

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