Monday, January 04, 2016

Bubba Out On the Stump : Collateral Damage? Old Ghost Are Back?

This is a little old as it has been around for a while but never the less it still works now especially with baba heading back out on the stump for Hillary. And to take the talking heads seriously that Bills reputation won't be a factor is laughable.

Maybe the mainstream media won't report any of the allegation that are now coming back to haunt him. but with many of the old ghosts that were fling high and wide some years ago, and Bill thought they had died in their collective graves, and there are many such, they are back to point their fingers at good ol' boy Billybob, accusing him of sexual misconduct, including rape.

So, the talk from the Hillary and the progressive socialist left liberals is, 'nothing to see here; old news'. Well, only time will tell and the number of open greaves we find seeking revenge and closer will have the answer to that question. 

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