Sunday, April 05, 2015

MSNBC's Ed Schultz : Freedom of Speech Not Allowed

What we have here is just another clear choice between personal freedom or the chains of progressive socialist liberal democrats tyranny that is disguised as a political party founded on the principles of individual freedom as laid down in our Constitution.

The new progressive socialist democrat party is nothing like the democrat party of our fathers - the old party is dead, the new party is now founded on hate for everything that has gone on for the past 236 years.

America of old is a disgrace - new thinking is needed to right past wrongs - a new constitution must be written to explain the need for a government that is all things for all the people. There can be no disagreement - not allowed.

The new democrat party has nothing to do with freedom of speech - the only freedom that they profess is you believe what we tell you is the truth or suffer the consequences. It's the new morally of progressive socialism. Sadly, millions believe they are right.

Video: MSNBC Cuts Ryan Anderson’s Mic Off While He Defends Religious Freedom

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