Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Climate Changer Urges Awarness : More Money - Bigger Planes

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How cool is this - Pharrell Willians talks about climate change awareness while he ponders the problem on this private jet.

It appears insanity can't be cured. Witness Governor "Moonbeam" of California and his rant on Ted Cruz. Truly, Gov. Brown is a lunatic, but don't blame him entirely, he is a progressive democrat which explains everything which might explain the imminent collapse of the once great state of California that's $billions in debt.

 But never mind all that, it's very important for you to believe and advocate for climate change legislation and taxpayer funding, while he, Mr Williams here, determines how to spend your money. More trips to Switzerland and or a bigger airplane to. It worked like a charm for Al Gore. He's worth now more then $200 million dollars.

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