Thursday, February 26, 2015

Democrats Move to Drive America to Destruciton : Minority Reid Attacks Majority

Harry Reid & Chuck Schumer
Want to know who's responsible for the country's disastrous head long plunge into a subservient nightmare of big government, look no further then these two democrats.

But not pictured is Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the progressive socialist  liberal democrats that all voted for ObamaCare and are complicit in all sorts of other criminal actives, and worse, they stand shoulder to shoulder to protect Mr Obama's ideology of socialism. All good soldiers in the cause.

And don't be fooled by some rhetoric from the progressives that claim 'not me', it wasn't just some, but all democrats, every last one! And it's not just ObamaCare, it'd all of the other actions that have driven our country into Constitutional crisis. The IRS attacks, Benghazi, Fast and Furious to mention just a few. Oh, and a White House that's attacking our allies and defending our enemies.

Immigration? : 5 to 10 million illegals given amnesty and full rights by executive order? What's wrong with that?

But now to add insult to injury, they are demanding ObamaCare be fixed by a new Republican congress that seems to be unable to do anything that matters to the country. They seem to be frozen in fear of not being liked by the democrats?

Who will stand for all of us in the trenches? What next?

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