Sunday, January 25, 2015

Mr Obama Making Corporate Policy(SOTU) : Paid Sick Leave - What's Next?

Why is this still under discussion? Why is it not understood that Mr Obama has no intention of doing what's right and lawful for this country. On several occasions he has stated he doesn't like this country's founding Constitution. A government that is responsible to the people is unacceptable to him. People, he believes, must be responsible to the government. As a result  Mr Obama is about chaos and disruption of our society and how it was founded to bring about his 'hope and change'. 

Mr Obama is a progressive socialist leftist liberal in classical form that he stated he wants to "fundamentally" changing our country into something that has failed elsewhere around the world. As mentioned on several other occasions, history is riff with examples of  socialists failures. Socialism has always failed to deliver anything except pain and anguish.

Mr Obama's plan to save us from ourselves is a small running elite with him at the top deciding outcomes for everyone. A beneilvent  dictator.

Worse of course is millions of people are ready to accept him as ruling royalty with absolute power. How can this be explained after 236 years of individual freedom and prosperity. What happened to change so many minds and attitudes in such a short time? 

It took hundreds of years for Rome to burn, but has taken only 6 years to bring down America?  Can it just be that simple, Gruber is right? I hope not.

Obama's Paid Sick Leave Policy Will Hurt Workers
Source: Devon Herrick, "The NCPA Fact Checks Obama's Health Policy Address during SOTU," NCPA Health Policy Blog, January 21, 2015.

January 22, 2015

President Obama's State of the Union address Tuesday night called for seven days of paid sick leave for American workers. That policy may sound nice, but NCPA Senior Fellow Devon Herrick says that the workers the president is purporting to help with ultimately pay the price for the policy.

Why? When employers are forced to pay mandatory benefits, they won't just accept the new costs -- they will find ways to shift those costs. If employers must provide seven paid sick days to their employees, Herrick says they will reduce paid vacation days or will lower worker compensation in order to make up for the additional labor costs imposed by the government mandate. He cites research from one of the president's own advisors showing that mandatory benefits reduce worker wages and suggests that the policy could reduce the employment prospects of the employees that are most likely to stay home and care for sick children.

Instead of mandating paid sick leave, Herrick suggests expanding health savings accounts (HSAs) and allowing workers to use their HSA funds to replace lost income from sick days, without being exposed to a "non-medical use" penalty. Currently, workers can withdraw HSA funds to make up for income lost to sick days, but they're hit with a 20 percent penalty as well as traditional income taxes.

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