This certainty make sense that the progressive socialists liberal left democrats would do everything in their power to stop any governor that has proven to be successful. As the ideology of the progressive is written, 'they are not against success, they are just against success for anyone other then themselves.'
Unfortunately, for the progressive democrat, failure is success.
Little wonder then why Scott Walker is being attacked by the progressive liberal left democrats, he has shown a way to save the state of Wisconsin from decades of democrat failed policy. And for the progressive democrats to allow success during a Republican administration is completely unacceptable.
There apparently is no amount of money to great to ensure that the democrats regain the power to drag the state of Wisconsin and other successful state, back into failure.
Who would vote for this? There are millions of voters that have a hard time disgusting between success and failure as the state of Wisconsin proved in 2012 election. The voters reelected Scott Walker in the recall by an even larger margin then during the first elections but vote by server points to reelect Mr Obama. Go figure!
Big Labor to Spend $300 Million To Unseat 5 GOP Governors
Right Wisconsin
At a Houston meeting of labor leaders, the AFL-CIO announced its intent to spend $300 million to unseat five GOP governors - including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker.
The socialist newspaper People's World reported:
The governors targeted for defeat are Florida's Gov. Rick Scott, Michigan's Gov. Rick Snyder, Ohio's Gov. John Kasich, Pennsylvania's Gov. Tom Corbett and Wisconsin's Gov. Scott Walker.
The announcement of the list of gubernatorial battleground states was made at a press conference here this morning by Lee Saunders, chairman of the AFL-CIO's political committee and by Mike Podhorzer, the federation's political director. They made the announcement outside a meeting here of the AFL-CIO executive council which has been deliberating in Houston since Tuesday.
After the announcement, when Podhorzer was asked to discuss how much money labor would spend on the effort, he said he expected the dollar amount to exceed what unions spent in the 2010 midterm elections. The amount spent then, he said, was about $300 million.
Last August, Politico explained Big Labor's strategy.
"While a lot of the attention here in the Beltway has been around who’s going to control the Senate or what’s going to happen in the House, for most Americans, what’s really important in 2014 is going to be what happens to the governors who have pursued scorched-earth policies in their states," Podhorzer said. "That’s the arena that we’re focused on. That’s the area that’s going to be most consequential for people’s lives."
The veteran labor strategist, who helped lead the Democratic coalition to tactical dominance in the areas of data and analytics over the past decade, said the political class should not assume the 2014 electorate will mirror the population that voted in the Republican wave year of 2010.
It is true, Podhorzer said, that midterm electorates tend to be whiter and less diverse than presidential-year electorates. But he said the AFL-CIO had studied the results of both the 2006 and 2010 elections and concluded that the broad-stroke demographics of turnout would be less significant than the specific, individual voters who show up on Election Day.
Big Labor has an obvious axe to grind with Gov. Scott Walker. It's not an exaggeration to say he is their top target. With Walker's star rising in national circles and a potential 2016 run in his future, 2014 is the opportunity kneecap and trash the governor's reputation. 
This campaign really won't be about helping Mary Burke. She isn't their candidate after all. This will be about destroying Scott Walker - and it's going to be ugly.