Tuesday, April 30, 2019

What Is The Endgame For DNC? : Dependence And Obedience

What is the endgame for political control and at what cost? Easy, it's the chaos and conflict that will result from the ignorance of the population, it's steeped unwillingness to actually see what is right in front of them every day.

A false narrative of destruction.

And yet millions of Americans go day to day believing the reports from the media and their surrogates  saying the success that you are having isn't real, it a lie. You really aren't better off then you where two years ago. You're wages haven't really gone up, you really aren't saving more, unemployment really isn't the lowest in history. The money you have in your pocket and the bank that you didn't have before isn't real.

According to the progressive socialist liberal democrats, it's time to change all that and bring the country back into ruin like it was for 8 years when they were in control. Massive unemployment, food stamps out of control, soup lines around the block, chaos over seas and the market place.

Hey, what's not to like? Vote democrat. Bring back the good times.

The progressive socialsit democrats demand you vote for them so they can help you become dependent again. They say being independent isn't a good thing. It's too stressful for people to take control of their own lives. Having a bureaucrat making all of lifes decisions is so much easier.

It's just easier for them to control all life in America while stealing you blind of your freedom and of course your money.

It is about self destruction - never vote democrat again. Ever!

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