Monday, June 25, 2018

The FBI In The Shadows : Progressive Liberals Run the Show

This is just one more agency that has been completely compromise by the Ogbjma legacy. How cool is this, the premier law enforcement agency in the world is dominated by progressive socialist liberals democrats that ''intend'' to do us all harm.

It has been shown in recent revelations the FBI is corrupt, corrupted by individuals that believe they are superior in intellect and motivation. And worst of all, the corruption not just by it's leadership, the corruption is from top to bottom.

Is it totally infested with progressive liberalism as Ogbjam's legacy to ''transform'', politically weaponize all government departments and agencies as he had intended? No, it isn't. But there are significant numbers of individuals that have been installed in key positions over the last two decades that have the correct mind set, willing to do the bidding of leadership when called on on to do so.

The only conclusion that one can have given what has transpired in congressional oversight findings and leaks to members of the Conservative press concerning just how bad the agency has been compromised, one can only believe The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the FBI is now an enemy of the people. They ''intend'' to do us and our Constitution harm.

And knowing that it was progressive leftist democrats that made this happen, why would anyone ever vote democrat again. Don't do it! It's about our individual freedom and national security!

The FBI is now a working subsidiary of the democrats collective ideology?

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