Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Progressive Socialists Philosophy In Ferguson : The Ideology of Dependency

Is this really Mr Brown? What similarities are there with the Trayvon Martin case in Florida? Is it the culture of progressive socialism where no one has to take responsibility for anything?

Are the riots in Ferguson the result of  an ideology as a life in a progressive socialistic society been set by Mr Obama and the democrats based on race?

Is this the new norm of division by race and economics? Class warfare for political and economic gain? What do the democrats and their associates believe they will gain by inciting racial warfare?

Are the democrats responsible for the 'I don't what happens, I want mine and I want someone else to pay for it' attitude that has been the bed rock philosophy of the democrats for decades?

I wonder where the next attack will come from and how soon seeing how well this one is working? Chaos and destruction of culture a tool to divide and conquer?

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