Monday, January 20, 2014

Health Care System in Peril : ObamaCare Decades In Design

If there is anyone left that believes ObamaCare was ever designed to actually help the poor to get health care, or for that matter, anyone else. How can anyone believe after see how bad ObamaCare really is after all the failings, that those that designed this can be this incompetent? Is it possible these people are just stupid or are driven strictly by an ideology of total control?

ObamaCare was in the works for decades, and was rolled out many times in different administration to see how it would fly, remember Hillary Care? It failed, but the progressive learned many lessons on how to make it work. They knew it would take a leader that really believed in socialized medicine, single payer, as the best way to infest our country for ever with the tyranny of the progressive ideology of controlling the population by controlling their health care.

ObamaCare will fail the poor as it will fail the American health care system. It is working as designed. peril

Can the Poor Afford ObamaCare?
Source: Michael Ollove, "Affording the Affordable Care Act," Stateline, January 14, 2014.
January 20, 2014

Antipoverty agencies across the United States are concerned that the poor will not be able to afford ObamaCare's health insurance, says Stateline.

While the Affordable Care Act was presented to the public as being just that -- affordable -- many are finding that they cannot afford to pay the cost of health insurance, even with federal subsidies providing assistance for individuals making up to 400 percent of the poverty line.

The amount of available subsidies is also confusing and varies depending upon the type of plan at issue:
  • For Americans earning between 133 and 250 percent of the poverty level, some out-of-pocket costs can also be covered if they purchase a Silver plan rather than a Bronze plan.
  • With a Silver plan, those earning over 250 percent of the poverty level will contribute around 30 percent toward their medical costs, while the insurance company must cover the rest.
  • But for Silver plan holders below 250 percent of the poverty level, federal aid is available for out-of-pocket expenses. In fact, an individual at 133 percent of the poverty level could pay as little as 6 percent of the costs of his medical bills, forcing the insurance company and the federal government to cover the rest.
Sireesha Manne, an attorney for the New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty, says that even with subsidies, insurance is going to remain unaffordable to swaths of Americans under the Affordable Care Act.

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