Saturday, December 12, 2009

Switzerland Understands Freedom - Self Defense

Here is a good video on how some people view freedom and it's responsibilities.

Switzerland has the best self defense system in the world - the entire nation is armed and ready to defend their country. The government demands that all citizens be armed and trained to come to the defense of their homes and their country.

Where does America stand on these basic principals of self defense and the defense of freedom? hmmmm

Let's see, Obama, and nearly all liberal Democrats, want to take our guns away. What message does this send to those of us that own guns? What message does this send about what Obama and the liberals Democrats think about freedom and individual rights, or any of the basic rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution that we have now?

Take a minute and review the last year of government intervention in our lives and what the congress is doing right now on health care and energy. You decide!

The lowest crime rate in the world + ability to instantly mobilize a nation !

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