Thursday, January 24, 2008

Higher Electric Bills in 2008 Nationwide

I wonder what will be the final bill for not drilling for new oil? Just what disasters must we suffer before we tell our politicians that are kissing the hide ends of the eco - fascists in this country just to get their votes.

The global warming religious fanatics are no different - even though the price of everything is going up with no end in sight, there are millions of Americans that can't or won't admit that supporting this nonsense is going to do us harm.

There is no hard scientific evidence supporting man-made global warming - having a bunch of experts agree by consenses is not enough to make it so - the only real evidence supported by research says, yes, there is warming going on, one degree increase in the last fifteen years, but there is no hard scientific proof pointing at man kind as the culprit. The religion of carbon credits can not make this claim. For them it's not about what's fact, it's about control.

I am amazed at the number of people involved who really believe we are all going to die in ten years if we don't shut our economy down and move back into the dark ages - I kid you not - so many people can not see beyond today what will be the result of such low horizons.

No new oil wells, no nuclear power plants, no new refineries and no more coal fired power generation plants until all possible potential problems with carbon emissions are solved. We depend on oil and coal for our very survival, especially here in the Midwest. It is 10 below 0 this morning. What would we do without electricity??? Millions would die - the eco-monsters believe that is a small price to pay to save the earth. So goes the thinking of the eco-fascists.

I believe we have to wake up now and take a hard look at what the nut jobs in the press and Washington are trying to shove down our throats. Remember all the dire predations of the past ten years? I remember someone on national television predicting all fish in our oceans would be gone by the 2000 if we didn't stop commerical fishing to let them recover. hmmmmm

My frustration level is growing by the day with my fellow citizens. Why is this whole global warming nonsense just a religious cult to me, and, to so many others, it is etched in stone.

History teaches us to learn what has happen in the past so we can avoid those same mistakes in the future. It sure seems to me we are blinded by our own inability to make rational decisions based on fact - it is so much easier to live in a fantasy world were others decide for us so we don't have to take the chance of being wrong - this way we can blame others for decisions that have destroyed our way of life.

Here are a few facts on what is in store for us this year as far as electric rates are concerned. This is from the Wisconsin Energy Cooperative News. These figures are from the Department of Energy in Washington and they are saying residential electricity prices reflect a 1.9 percent increase over 2006 levels, commerical prices up 2 percent and industrial up 4.9 percent

Nationally kilowatt hours average prices for 2007 were 10.6, 9.6 and 6.4 respectively. But here is the kicker in all this, the 2007 projections came on the heels of a report from the same agency indication that 2006 brought the sharpest retail electricity price hikes in the last 25 years even though usage was essentially flat.

Go figure - What are we doing here? Are we willing to let our country die for the lack of rational thought and common sense? What ever happened to compromise? Why do we allow these people to run and ruin our lives and the lives of our off-spring? Come on, let's get real here and stop this idiocy.

keep the faith, the battle is joined!

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