Thursday, April 06, 2006

Cut and Run in Madison, Wisconsin

The war referendum in Madison, Wisconsin had some unintended results. The question on the ballot was 'should we remove the troops from Iraq now'. The vote, of course, went in favor of 'to remove the troop now' by a 24,344 to 11,252 to keep them in Iraq until the job is done.

That the vote was even that close is something I would have never predicted. Madison has more liberals than almost any other city in the country which means they vote against anything and everything that has to do with George Bush, no matter what. So when the numbers came out, I was amazed that there are even that many people with common sense in this city.

Given that the population of Madison is 150,000, the turn-out wasn't all that great. According to those that know about voter turn-out, it was felt that the vote on the war referendum wouldn't have been what it is if it hadn't been for all of the other school board members that were on the ballot as well as the other school related items on the ticket.

But what ever the reasons, it was a lot to do about nothing. It meant nothing except the anti-war people got some camera time.

The vote for and against the war state wide, out of 32 districts that had it on the ballot, was 40,000 total. Out of 5 million registered voters in this state, that is hardly a mandate when the percentage in favor was only 54% state wide.

But no matter, the liberals were happy with the results because they think they are one step closer to an American defeat.

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