Friday, August 12, 2005

It looks like Cindy Sheehan and the Democrats have the talking points they have been looking for - " we hate America" - " America is the problem in the world" - " America is not worth fighting for" All of these are bed-rock strong points of the liberal Democratic philosophy.

Just look at the people that are involved, giving Sheehan pointers, - Joe Trippi, the guy that helped Howard Dean in 2003 and 2004 - a liberal Democrat strong man. An anti-war group, the Pink Revolution, or something like that, dedicated to the destruction of anything that isn't Marxist. They are extremely radical and they also have Sheehan's ear. They are all a disgrace.

Of course the media is on this like a bad habit - anything that will cause a problem for the President and perhaps get more of our people killed is worth perusing.

As I have stated before, the liberal left, and of course the main stream media, one and the same, hate the military. It is the best of all worlds to be able to give the President of the United States a black eye by expounding hate for America and its military in their headlines. The terrorists love this. It gives them talking points to convince the world that America is wrong and we should give up and go home. The next step will be to step-up the attacks and kill more American solders and Iraqi civilians.

This is exactly what the Democratic want, the more dead Americans the better - you see, they hate America too, just like terrorists. This is why it looks like the Democrats are helping the terrorists to kill more American solders. Maybe this is the real face of the new Democratic party? It does fit the Marxist agenda the liberals have been following for the last 12 years. Destroy America from within and rebuild it as a total socialist society. Big brother will take care of you as long as you keep producing, after that, you are expendable - Always remember, once the liberals have the power, they will cut your throat for a dine.

It won't work and it never has all down through history - the liberals know this as well but they use this line as a tool to fool the people into thinking all is well, all we have to do is turn the seats of power back to the liberals and things will okay, just like old times - and guess what, damn near half of the population thinks this might be the way to go!!!

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