Thursday, September 30, 2021

Unemployment Problems A Mystery for Bixxden : Millions of Jobs But No Workers!

Workers are staying home, why work while Bixxden takes care of us! It make good sense that Bixxden stumbles around his mobile basement looking for his sippy cup! Biden enjoyed his morning refreshments while America burned!

 Science is different for the Marxist democraaats then
for those that must live by that science! And as usual
it fake!

This Is New Say Perplexed Medial Experts : A Virus That Discriminates!?

 The Chinese are genius in that they have developed, with the help of The Fau Ci a virus that can separate out the Marxist democraaats throwing bricks, burring cites and shooting police, from Conservatives who go to work everyday. 

Then the virus attacks only those that stayed at home, wearing three mask, a plastic rain coat covered in Vaseline, huddling in fear in their hall closets coming out only to pass gas and other fluids and ultimately to grab a bit to eat.

CDC director tells expert panel of 18 voting 16 / 2 saying
the booster shot is not ready or reliable at this time.
She says they can pound sand,
I took the call from Bixxden and he said
it's ready!! Never let a crisis go to waste!

Telling God to Go Away? : Billy Graham's Daughter Anne Tells her Story! (Video)

When the  push came to eliminate God from our schools little resistance was seen. Strange how all of the hopeless destruction we have endured over he last several decades without the presence of God to guide us! 

Anne Graham explains how self reliance isn't the answer to our problems!

Our Elections Prove Our Constitution Works : Even A Pop-Up Candidate Can Win!?

 Remember how this works, Hillary said flat out the Bixxden should never concede the election when Trump will be seen by vote count to be winning with huge margins, because Bixxden will win she said once all of the vote are counted days after the election that will end November 3rd!

And who knew she was right! And now we are seeing how they did it starting in Arizona and in only one county so far it show Trump won! I wonder how it will look when the other states publish their audits in Pennsylvania, then Georgia which is far worse, and then Wisconsin with more then 205,000 fraudulent residence voters on the rolls which they refused to remove even under court order.

Welcome to the real world!

For 2019 and 2020 Bixxden was seen less then
5 hours on the campaign trail running for president
and yet he won?? Of course he did! Hillary promised!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Ron Reagan Tells A Story About Republican and His Speech! : What Good Fun!!(Video)

 Ronny Reagan takes it to the democraaats - this is really good fun. 

It's a little old but still on the mark!

Mechanics Are Given to Be Realists! : Success Is Never Guaranteed!

 Okay, maybe this is to narrow for some but if you have ever tried to extract a broken bolt from a spot that is mostly inaccessible and you are successful, the euphoria is unexpectedly great!

Bixxden's War On The Unvaxxed With Unintended Consequences! : Finally! Something Good!

What a life, stumble here, stumble there, say stupid stuff and everyone loves it. ''What's this stuff about airplanes and people running around an airport? What worries is more then anything is what my doctor says will happen if I get sick. Vaxxed and unvaxxed? What the hell is that? Someone tell me whatz goin' on here? Yikes! No more ice cream! Say it ain't so! ha ha!!''

Bixxden say he can't remember having any problems in 
Afghanistan. ''Where is that anyway? On The Jersey Shore?
''Come on man,  that has to be so last week!
Where's the potty place, I have to pee!''

An unintended consequences to save the country?

The Unvaxed Will Kill Us All Bixxden Says : Bixxden Drone Kills 7 Children In Afghanistan! Who Cares?

 Joe Bixxden is having the best years of his life right now even after more the 45 years of government employment. He has never had a real job where he had to take responsibility or get fired.

Now he's free to kill people if he wants like the 13 service men in Afghanistan or the family of 10 including 7 children, and then enjoy an ice cream cone while the media swoons at his brilliance!!

How in the hell have we come this far to secure our country as being legitimate but still allow this to happen? (Maybe the Bixxden administration isn't legitimate? According to the last audit in Arizona Trump won that state and therefore the election!)

While Bixxden enjoys the privileges of power, he says he
is all about providing evidence of being in control!
Trust Me He says! 'Hey where my ice cream? Veroooom!!'

Steve Jobs' Philosophy on Life and Living : What Is Life Really All About?(Video)

Yeah, good advice. Steve Job's perspective on money and power is good, especially when all that he has done in his life before won't and can't save him. I wonder what his thoughts on life and living would be if he were still here and seeking the brass ring of future successes?

The remaining burning question everyone must ask to be happy is ' when and how much is enough?'. 

Everyone is driven to some extent to be productive and therefore successful in what ever endeavor you seek, your destiny, but at what point in time do you say something is not right and change course.

How many of us can do that?

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Bixxden Is Confused, No Door Handles! : They Explain He Isn't Mentally Capable To Do Anything!(Video)

Joe Bixxden wants to drive the truck but he doesn't know how to get in the truck! Bixxden is told he can't drive the truck because he has problems that can only get him and us into trouble!


Machine Guns and Pets Don't Mix Well : Where Do You Run?!(Video)

 Ya gotta watch this video of catastrophic failure to understand machine guns in the hands of morons and their pets cannot end well!!

It's Called A ''Tell''! In The Navy A ''telltail'' : In Cards it A ''Tailwagger''

Anytime you play poker one has to have their emotions under  control! 

Who Knew? : The Media's Self-Serving False Narratives(They Lie!!)

Today, if you believe anything that is seen or heard on most major media outlets, you are headed down a street that leads to disappointment and destructive delusion. 

Monday, September 27, 2021

Media Attacked Justice Kavanaugh : Hunter Bixxden Given A Pass!!?? How Come?

Interesting that the FBI had Hunter Bixxden's laptop for more then a year before the election but did nothing to expose it's contents. I wonder why that decision was made and who made it?

Given what a huge difference it would have made in the run up to November, little is left to understand the FBI no longer serves the best interests of the general public. 

They are a wholly owned subsidiary of the Marxist democraaats.

Ever wonder what the ''Deep State'' is about, wonder no longer. And it not just the FBI, it's nearly every department and agency of the government which is dedicated to self preservation and doing the will of it's leaders with the same Marxist socialist mentality.

The people be dammed!

Wounded Stork Stays Home Now : A Man's Best Friend!(Video)

 Okay, let's start off the week on a positive foot with a story to make you smile! Enjoy!

Border Patrol Accused of Patrolling The Border : CNN Horrified!

 Anger is building among agents along the border being accused of abusing criminals crossing our border illegally. democraaats demand the border agents stop defending the border because the democraaats need the votes next year.

Coming to America ! : Come One, Come All - Everything Is Free!!

 And now that the world knows America is ready to accept 10 million new citizens to it's shores, the rest of the world is coming to America!!! They have been waiting for this very moment in time. Joe Bixxden says the time is now!

Get ready to open your wallets as it's all promised to be a free ride for everyone that can get here by Bixxden and his Marxist buddies!!!! Free housing, Free food, free medical care, free money and citizenship!

Joe Bixxden and the Marxist democraaats changing America. ''Build Back Better!''

This is what is happening across the globe. Come one come all,
free food, free health care and free money to live on for life!!
Thanks Marxist democraaats!!

Who Are The People In Charge of Our Country? : And Why Do They Hate Us?

 The road map for total control by the Marxist democraaats is to marginalize the United States population as members of a inconvenient group of just taxpayers who are tasked to do what they are told or be arrested for noncompliance!

All the while the democraaats flood the country with people from all over the world to change the total demographics of areas where they will be awarded the tools to change elections, citizenship without responsibilities and Constitutional authority.

It doesn't matter if it is against the law, it's all about getting and keeping the power for control and by any means necessary. Even if it means losing individual freedom, it's no concern of theirs as they will be at the levers of power.

And just what is the intention of our government for
the rest of the population who are inconveniently seen 
as just American citizens who must obey?

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Does China Have Better Ideas? : How About Commuter Trains?(Video)

 Here is just one example of how China's problems are only beginning for it's ever expanding population and prosperity!

Many High School or College Students Hate Capitalism? : How Does That Edify?

Ignorance is a way of life these days as it's just easier to let others do the heavy lifting because they are busy texting about how bad their personal life is while so many others on social media are doing great!

In socialist country were told everyone is living the good life. No one is left behind! Really! Just ask the Cubans or the people in North Korea or Venezuela what living the good life is like in a communist paradise!

Big Social Media Criminals Are In Control! : Free Speech Is What We Say It Is!!!

 Why do so many among us accept this as just a new way of life? Living a life that's controlled by others agenda's and ideologies is not seen or understood as a problem for them. They still using Facebook, Twitter and Google complying with their demands to be obedient to their rules for what they say is free speech and what isn't.

But know this, there are many who don't buy into this heresy and have stopped using their platforms!!

Howdy Neighbor! : Now We Have them? Hey, Are You FBI To?

The MAGA Rally last Saturday was nearly all FBI and reports. The real people who are upset and angry with our government's representatives being criminals in positions of power stayed home. They were afraid of being attacked in their homes or places of work for using the Constitutional rights to disagree with the government.

No longer do we need an introduction to what's
going on at the FBI, the DOJ or the CIA!

Who Is The FBI? : What Is Their Purpose??? : What Is The ''Deep State''?

 Goodness, it's no longer is a question of where is the FBI, it's now who is the FBI and what is their purpose in our government other then to do the bidding of the ''deep state''! 

They are no longer to be trusted as a illegitimate law enforcement organization?

Goodness, who are these guys anyway! How cool is this to
demonstrate we don't accept any outcomes from the Marxist
left democraaats.

This is for real? These FBI agents hiding in plain sight?
No way! These guys are protesters waiting to march on
Washington to demand the turth in elections!!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Blonde Jokes Are Outdated! : The ''New World Order'' Is Here!!

Just think about this, she has moved from tending bar to ruling much of the Marxist party collective in less then three years. 

Only in America and those horrible capitalists who pay her $175,000 salary!! 

Ronald Reagan Didn't Fit The Script : Hollywood Rejected Him! Good democraaats!!

 And just what is the image they were looking for that represented leadership of a nation? They didn't have a script on hand to help them. Still when you factor in that this is Hollywood, people totally convinced they are the center of the universe, it's easy to understand common sense and logic play no part in decision making, only their adherence to a perverted agenda and ideology.

AOC's Message of Truth : Who Knew?

 Why did AOC make a turn for the better advertising something that we all know to be a fact? Has she actually deicide to tell us the truth? Is this her training as a bar tender coming forth trying to help her friends that are depressed because of the criminals now in charge were the results of their total ignorance and mutant DNA?

No way to know yet? Even the medical experts are working over time to find answers!

Most Phones Have Great Cameras : Life Reduced To 3X5?

 Do you ever stop to wonder why it's necessary to take a picture of a slice of apple pie and send to a friend? Is this just communication or an obsession with the need to remain in the loop? Are you worried that even though you can see them in person you just want to make sure your friends are out there some place and you are as well?

 ''Hi, I'm still here!''

Teaching Kids To Drive Is Stressful : Out Of Control Aging Occurs!

 Kids today have too many agendas running that distract them from the focus required to be part of the mess that is our mobility in the real world and the consequences for this can be problematic.

Husband's Wish list Shopping A Home Depot : Some Things Are Just Too Expensive!

When guys are shopping for tools and stuff at the hardware store, they run across things they want but instinctively know they can't buy at any price! 

Life just isn't fair!

My Job Is To Guard The House And The People In It! : But They Still Demand A Change In Status? Whatz Up?

 It just seems the some people are very short sighted and ungrateful for the efforts of those that are tasked to defend. Do we see any connection any connection here with what our government is doing to those that are tasked to watch over our country and it's people?

Friday, September 24, 2021

How to Prepare Tofu? : Experts Make Real Life Recommendations.

 This is not just a recommendation, this is a fact of life from real life people. Have a burger!!

Home Security Assured : Use The Natural Law of Things!

Looking for real security from the nasty people on the left, the Marxist democraaats that have seeped into our country's leadership from this darkest sewers of hell? This is good start!

Security by Others

I took down my Rebel flag (which you can't buy on EBAY anymore) and peeled the NRA sticker off my rear window.

I disconnected my home alarm system and quit the candy-ass Neighborhood Watch.

I bought two Pakistani flags and put one at each corner of the front yard.

Then I purchased the black flag of ISIS (which you CAN buy on EBAY) and ran it up the flagpole.

Now the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, Secret Service and other agencies are all watching my house 24/7.

I've NEVER felt safer and I'm saving $69.95 a month that ADT used to charge me.

Plus, I bought burkas for me to wear when I shop or travel. Everyone moves out of the way and security can't pat me down.

If they say I'm a male wearing a burka, I just say I'm feeling like a woman today.

Life is Good...

Why So Many Hated Donald Trump's Success! : The Opposition Had to Know Bixxden was Coming!

Please read and digest the content concerning some of the many monsters that are currently in charge of our country! The author hasn't been vetted but what is written is common knowledge!

To General Milley:

During testimony before the Congress of the United States you stated: “I want to understand white rage, and I’m white…What is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the Constitution of the United States of America?…I want to find that out.”

Well, General, I am a 76-year-old white man, a former officer in the United States Army (1967-70), and a retired Special Agent of the FBI with nearly 29 years of service (1971-1999). I attended Trump’s rally on January 6th and I think I may be able to help you understand the reasons for “white rage.”

You impugn the motives of hundreds of thousands of patriotic citizens: whites, blacks, Hispanics, and Asians, male, female, young and old. They weren’t trying to overturn the Constitution! They wanted nothing more than to make their voices heard and, if possible, delay the certification of an election they believed, with probable cause, was stolen. 

You and the media repeatedly claim Trump’s allegations of a “stolen election” are false. Neither you, I, nor anyone else know whether this is true or not because the evidence (hundreds of witness affidavits signed under penalty of perjury, pristine mail-in ballots, xeroxed ballots, the synchronized shutdown of ballot counting in 5 swing states until observers were removed from the election headquarters, etc.) has never been tested in court or disclosed to the people.

Apparently, my presence in Washington, DC on January 6th qualifies me, in your estimation, as one of those “outraged white people” you want to understand. Since you appear to be somewhat intellectually challenged, let me give you just 13 easy to understand reasons for my “white rage” as you like to call it.

1. I’m outraged that a duly elected President, the most effective President in my lifetime, was harassed, falsely accused of being a Russian agent, undermined, and lied about by “Deep State” career officials like yourself and a media that has become the mouthpiece of the Democrat Party; he was impeached and acquitted, not once but twice, during his entire 4-year term of office on clearly fraudulent charges.

2. I’m outraged that BLM, Antifa, and other Marxists rioted during the summer of 2020 in cities across the country, and “heels-up” Kamala Harris led an effort to bail those who were arrested, out of jail. Over 500 people, arrested for trespassing and vandalism at the Capitol on January 6th, remain in jail without bail and, in some cases, are held in solitary confinement. This is not a defense of vandalism, but, how does the damage from the riots of summer 2020 compare to that at the Capitol on January 6th?

3. I’m outraged that a president who accomplished more for the American people in four years than his three immediate predecessors did in 24 years having restored the US economy, cut taxes and regulations, made the US energy independent, brought unemployment rates down to their lowest level ever, destroyed ISIS, brokered peace deals between Israel and other Arab nations, defended our southern border, put America first, etc., etc., was fought every step of the way by Democrats and the Deep State.

4. I’m outraged that this same president, who received eleven million more votes than he did in 2016, was questionably defeated in an election in which election laws were unconstitutionally changed in the days, weeks, and months immediately preceding the election, supposedly because of a virus.

5. I’m outraged that a senile 78-year old career politician, who can’t put a coherent sentence together, who accomplished nothing during his 36 years in the US Senate and eight years as Vice President, who didn’t campaign and seldom left his basement during the campaign for President, and who could never draw a crowd of more than 200 people at one time, was declared the winner over a President who drew tens of thousands of enthusiastic supporters at each of his multiple rallies, daily, during the campaign.

6. I’m outraged that Candidate Biden bragged about having put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” (it’s on video) during an interview on October 24, 2020, with Crooked Media, a left-leaning media company founded in 2017 by former Obama staffers, and the media says that Trump lies when he claims the election was stolen!?

7. I’m outraged that on January 28, 2018, before the Council on Foreign Relations, Joe Biden bragged how he once threatened to withhold $1 billion in authorized military aid to Ukraine unless the former President of Ukraine “fired” the prosecutor who was investigating the corrupt energy conglomerate, Burisma, with whom Biden’s son, Hunter, was being paid $84,000 per month to serve on the Board of Directors. Can you say, “quid pro quo?” But, when Trump congratulated the newly elected President of Ukraine, who campaigned on fighting corruption, and encouraged him to follow through on his campaign promise, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) blatantly lied about what Trump said and Trump got impeached!

8. I’m outraged that the FBI was given Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop computer, the hard-drive of which contained emails reflecting the corrupt practices of the Biden family vis-a-vis Ukraine and China and the FBI did nothing with it since crazy ol’ Joe was running for President. Can you say: “Hillary Clinton and unauthorized servers containing top secret documents?” Do you see a pattern here?

9. I’m outraged that the “New Oligarchs” of high tech are censoring virologists of their right to voice their thoughts and opinions when those opinions are in conflict with the Democrat Party or the CDC.

10. I’m outraged that an agency for which I proudly worked for nearly 29 years was politicized and corrupted by James Comey who was accurately described as being “out of his mind” and a “crooked cop” by a former Deputy Director of the FBI.

11. I’m outraged that thirteen U.S. Marines were recently killed in Afghanistan by the Taliban just because our senile President was too arrogant to follow the blueprint put together by President Trump and his military advisers for the “conditioned” withdrawal of forces from Afghanistan. 

Perhaps, you and our incompetent Secretary of Defense objected, but were either too cowardly or too busy promoting Critical Race Theory to push back and provide needed oversight of this withdrawal. You succumbed to “Trump Derangement Syndrome” and now, as a result, you have the blood of thirteen dead Marines on your hands.

12. I’m outraged about how the precipitous withdrawal of U.S. military personnel from Afghanistan was carried out “before” securing the removal of tens of thousands of U.S. citizens, Afghani interpreters, and others who assisted the U.S. military over the past twenty years, leaving them and Afghani Christians to be tortured and killed by the Taliban. And you didn’t even give advance notice to our NATO allies.

13. I’m outraged that you and Lloyd Austin carried out the withdrawal of the U.S. military without first securing the removal of $85 billion worth of military equipment, weapons, ammunition, Humvees, and aircraft, which you left behind for the Taliban, al Qaeda, and a re-emerging ISIS to use. 

I agree with a retired British Colonel who recently publicly stated that President Biden shouldn’t be impeached, but rather he should be court martialed. You should be, as well…for dereliction of duty and cowardice.

I could go on but I believe you get “my drift” as to why I and so many others – white, black, Hispanic, Asian, male and female, rich and poor, young and old – are experiencing flashes of “rage” and “anger” against this current administration. If you had any honor and decency, you would resign and retire. Believe there will be many good people that will help you find the door. (Oh and by the way take the Californian Nightmare with you.)


Quentin L. Smith

What Happened to Kids Today? : Decades Ago We Lived or Died Being Kids!

 This is so true and you don't have to be in your 60's to understand how things use to be. Now mom's are terrified some other mom will find her actions to allow the kids to be kids a criminal act and call the police.

Everyone and everything must be controlled and sanitized. Remember how this turned out for everyone back in the last century?

This is how we grew up and this is way we are told the 
tough time they had getting to school!!

Hey, this is so true!!

Military Leader Explains Why He Is Taking A Stand For Freedom : Col. Scheller! (Video)

 This video was published a few days ago by Lt Col Scheller, his decision explaining why he is not on board with the socialists in our government. This agenda puts the nation is at risk from those that want to destory our civil society based on individual freedom. (They are Marxist socialists, communists.)

 And what better way then to dissolve the military as a functioning unit that is tasked to protect the nation from it's enemies. And isn't interesting that that the Marxist democraaat blame 'White supremist'', Trump voters as domestic terrorists when it's really the democraaats doing the damage to our national security and our great country.(When democraaat blame others for criminal acts, it's always the democraaat' s agenda projecting their actions by blaming others!)

 The question still remains is why? How will destroying the military help them to take total power from the people? Are they afraid the military will turn on them?? Is it for the same reason the Marxists want to disarm the population?

Dogs Understand When Things Aren't Right : Bad News Has Consequences!(Video)

When dogs are told things that threaten their good home, they take action! 

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Who Is Donald Trump? : God Bless America And Donald Trump!(Video)

 If you have forgotten what we had with Donald Trump and we let it slip away because we fell asleep at the wheel while the Marxist Liberal socialist democraaats were hard a work stealing the elections of 2020 and preparing to steal the next one in 2022 and 2024

This is just a short reminder of who Donald Trump is and what he did for all of us. Watch this video and weep!!!

Ben Carson Believes In A Civil Society : The National Anthem Is Real America!

 Ben Carson is a fool and not to be trusted as he is a Conservative that believes in America as a great nation that we all should love and cherish for her greatness.

What a great message from a ''White Supremist in Black Face'' according to the Marxist soulless democraaats!!

Training Birds Is Difficult : Studies Show Birds Won't Crap On Just Anything!?

 Gosh, now even bird brains have standards higher the New York Times? The ''Paper of Record?'' not good enough? Well, it does make sense given just corrupt it is with progressive Marxist democraaat propaganda.

"Democracy Dies In Darkness'' - Washington Post : Progressive Marxist democraaats Are Born in Darkness!!

 It's in the DNA! They can't escape the fact they are spawned without a soul!  They lie to us on a daily basis about the new day in America, ''Build Back Better'' but in reality they are telling us it's how they are going to rule for ever! Get ready for a new America!

But now with Ol' Joe Bixxden front and center and Barrrack puling the strings making Bixxden jump to his tune, it's going to be much harder to convince the population they are just same old and tried establishment that (screwed them royally) helped the voters over the decades.

But now they say they have new leadership and they better educated to solve every problem everyone one has for a great future of prosperity and security.

Even ''Corn Pop'' is probably laughing his ass off just thinking about how Bixxden is sleepwalking his way to the next ice cream store while the entire country dissolves in chaos. 

Life is good!!! Vote democraaat!

Newsom's Sales Pitch To Citizens Now : Turn Out The Lights - I Need The Energy for My Victory Party!

 The poster child for all Marxist democraaats now that his brother in arms Cuomo is temporary sidelined, is this mentally ill monster from the darkest regions of hell to bring as much pain as possible to California before he has to run again next year.

What a great agenda for the population, even more pain and suffering then before as punishment!

But even though this ''Recall'' failed, the worst of all scenarios is he will win and again in 2022 because all of those that voted for him this year are likely to vote again next year.

It's a reality, the democraaats will have renewed energy in the once great state to cheat. And starting yesterday their efforts to screw the entire state for ever into the abyss of abject failure will be historical!

When leaving California make sure you turn off all electrical
outlets as we are going into an age of where, according
to the Washington Post ''democracy dies in darkness!''

The people understand just how bad California is becoming 
and will do anything to get out before it's demise! And now
that Newsom is good for another year and a half, things can
only get worse.

Chinese Wuhan Lab Prepares for 2024 Election : Is The New Variant Ready to Go Asks The Fau Ci?

 And by any means necessary! It worked so well in 2020 so why not do it again? Just think of all the ''variants'' announced by The Fau Ci where he states the death toll from these new viruses will far worse then anything in our past history, millions could die a horrible death if his rules aren't followed to the letter.

The Fau Ci says it will be bad now but the worst will come beginning in the new year and then even worse in the next two years. Then and only then will we begin to see a new life after 2025.

The Fau Ci wouldn't lie to us, again, right? He is such a good democraaat! The ''Fauoch'' would lie to us?    NAH!!

Gain of Function In Wuhan China : The Loss of Function At Home!

 And so it goes, the rampage for gaining ultimate power for the progressive Marxist democraaats is in full swing as they fear the next election, November of 2022 will end their battle with the loss of both houses of congress even though they will cheat with every tool they have to remain in power.

The ramming of Marxist ideolog in basic educational institutions, K-12 and then universities, sets the stage for future Marxist monsters to rise to the occasion when called on to destory any opposition that is in power that stands in their way of dominating every aspect of civil society.

And what better way then teaching the youth to do the bidding of their betters that a life based on individual freedom and liberty is not in their best interest and is dysfunctional and where Marist communism will bring real prosperity beyond their wildest dreams, is their new life!

Just think how good it will be! Marx told us about real ''Equity'' long ago, ''Each according to ones needs and From each according to ones abilities!'' Man is a genius! democraaats love this guy!!

Doesn't that just warm your soul knowing how your future security for your family is based on promises from other people that don't know!

The future is the next generation being able to understand
what it means to be free!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The New York Times Never Changes! : It's The DNA! A Pathological Condition!

The New York Times was and is a threat to the community of civil societies. Once know as the ''news paper of record' and also known as the ''Gray Lady'' of journalism but is now the lady is just seen and understood to be no more then a two bit whore for Marxist democraaats.

Sadly her history over the decades is horrific praising Hitler and Stalin as visionaries. So why should anyone believe this Marist rag has any legitimate claim to truth?! 

And if the history continues unabated like I'm sure is does, Alan Burdick, the science editor at the Times must have a great time making ''all the new worth to print''!!!

The New iPhone 13 Is Here! : But Some Things Have Changed!(Video)

 It's the way of things in a ''woke'' community of those the want control and those that believe being controlled is a good thing. Is this real? Maybe not but never believe this isn't being readied for release in the darkest pit of our betters in the tech community!

The New ''Scarlett Letter'' : Joe Says ''U'' Are Guilty! The Unvaxxed Must Be Punished!

 This letter will prove to all that you are not afraid and are free to take responsibility for your own health which means you are the enemy of the progressive socialist liberal democraaats.

The democraaats don't understand DNA as they wander 
aimlessly in the moral darkness of ignorance, profound
stupidity and hatred for the common good!

Quick - Run and Hide!! : Bixxden Is Coming For You!! Your Life and Liberty!!

 The Marist democraaats want what we all have as America's, individual freedom, something they don't have or understand. But they don't care about your freedom, they exist in a communist collective. For the Marist democraaats it's all about taking from others by force of arms and then what every you have left is found to be dangerous to them and therefore must be taken as well.

democraaat call it the new world order. Like it or die!

Oh wait, you won't comply? You are under arrest, jailed and fined!! Maybe even worse, you slipped on the stairs while resisting arrest, oops!! 

Hey, you voted for this, right? The democraaats taking power wasn't a fraud, there wasn't any cheating, right? democraaats don't cheat! They aren't criminals! Lawless thugs! Just good democraaat politicians and university professors!!!

He's not just the worst president in our history but one of the worst people in world history!!

He wants what you have and if you don't give it up he
will send his fascist troopers to kick in your door
and take it!! Joe says ''It's against the law but I don't 

Now It's Window Tint! : Tint We Can Live With!!(Video)

 It had to happen and I'm more the sure it's not new but it's reassuring the American spirit of "America First" isn't gone. 

God bless America!

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Kamaaala Is Preparing For 2024 : It Worked In California!

Every politician has to know what works the best to get their message across to the voters and especially the donors! 

His Majesty Joe Bixxden : I Love Cake And Ice Cream!

 A 50 year career of eating cake and ice cream has prepared him for the ultimate job of leadership! He never had to accept responsibility for anything he has said or did his entire career. And yet here we are suffering catastrophic failure after failure to deliver. The entire country is in chaos and conflict no mater were one looks.

Mentally unable to lead. A child of destiny!

Ol' Joe harks back to the good old days!

The General Public Has Awaken to The Agenda : Eating Ice Cream Won't Be Enough to Save The Country!

 But the scarcest thing of all there are still millions that complain Trumps tweets are unacceptable. They believe terror in our streets is better the having Donald Trump tweet nasty things about the people that hate him and do and say bad things about him. 

Really! It's true. We all have friends and relatives that can't vote for self preservation. It's about being all inclusive and equitable. How can we survive unless we reach across the aisle so we all can work together for America.

The puppet on a string that jumps to the tune others play.

 His friends have a plan but it doesn't include him or America!

Is Being Rich and Powerful An Agenda? : AOC Has Plans For The Future!

Bar tending wasn't what she wanted out of life, she wants it all and she wants others to give it her. And as we have all witnessed, she is accomplishing her goal.

Why is this happening is a mystery. No street cred and no real education in the workings of how life evolves. And yet she is becoming a political leader where thousands find her message of truth manipulation appealing. She does understand the real weakness of the ignorant.

But maybe this is how things work as others in history have done the same thing with no back ground of leadership or experience in living, and yet grew to command the highest seats of power. 

The result of these people from our past is also written in history.

I've been without having a lot of money. Having
a lot of money is much better.

It's true! Take power and become rich at the expense of others
who are powerless.