Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Nancy Pelosi Explains Her Agenda for Attacking All Opposition : The Smear!(Video)

Here is a short video of progressive democraaat Nancy Pelosi explaining how to attack opposition members with lies and deception, with the aid of the main steam media, that admits a willing assistance to publishing any lie or deception necessary to destory Donald Trump and all Republicans or Conservatives.

This is right out of Saul Alinsky's book, a communist organizer, ''Rules for Radicals'' was written as a guide to get as many people to become radicalized and willing to attack the established laws for a civilized society.

As the New York Times has openly admitted after the inauguration of Donald Trump as president in January 20th, 2016, they will no longer abide by the ethics of honest journalism reporting only facts, but now will use managed facts or outright lies to accomplish their goal as an advocate for the destruction of a duly elected president and his government.

In straight talk, the New York Times became a willing participant to over-throw a duly elected president and government by any means necessary. And of course we all know they weren't alone in this task. Many other democraaats were on the move from the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA and the State Department. All taxpayer supported institutions of the federal government.

(Highlight the URL here, copy and paste it above, open, then look to the footer for the ''open'' tab)


The Crisis Is Over : Toilet Paper is Back In Stores!

Braking news! Toilet paper is back in stories! All those that didn't make it to stores before they were mobbed by hoarders can relax, the crisis is over!

Biden and Corn Pop Storming The Country : A Winning Combination!?

Ol' Joe knows what works to make the voter base stand up and take notice, and it not just hairy legs. It's understanding what makes identity politics work, getting the right people on board the campaign and having a message that cuts to the heart of the population!

Winning is easy when after 50 years in Washington, and at the heart of political power as vice present, you have learned the ins and outs of politics that work.

Duck Tape Fixes Everything? : Maybe Not!

Pay attention to what you know works and what will not work in a time of crisis. I agree that duck tape is a 'fix-all' but at some point everything has it limitations. This defiantly one of those!

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Climate Change Disaster Coming : More Tax Money Will Stop it?

Anyone that is awake and rational understands that man-made climate change is delusional, implausible, diabolically shameless, criminally corrupt and just of course wrong. 

Here is a good example of just what the rational person faces in the real world when the debate turns to the weather.

Why Does The MS Media Stand With China? : What Is Their Goal?

And please explain just who actually is the enemy that openly and knowingly threatens our country with destruction and has for decades if not generations? It seems the answer is easy enough to understand.

democraaats believe it is time to take the next step for
Barrrack's "fundamental change'' for America. The freedom to choose
must be eliminated.

Tokyo Rose And Axis Sally : Now We Have Shanghai Sue?

But wait, what are they saying here? Are democraaat sycophants helping to defeat America? History repeating itself? Is this the enemy from within helping to destory our country in a time of crisis?

Interesting how things change but remain the same over time. There seems to always be someone that wants to take away freedom and liberty. How come? What will they use to replace it?

Trump's New Agenda Will Work! : It's Fool Proof!

Trump's agenda to kill off the Wuhan virus!

How Many Wise Men Were There? : A Few? One?

Okay, let's start the day with a smile and here is a great way to do that!

So, how many wise men were there, three showed up calling themselves wise men. But if the turth be known, the question is still discussed!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

New Shopping Cart Introduced : Hoarders Throng The Sales Room!

Now Arrests Taking Place for Crack Paraphernalia : Crime Out of control!

Biden Joined By Corn Pop? : Biden's No Fool!

Finally Ol' Joe is starting to make sense! Having Corn Pop on the ticket will level the playing field for the swing voters, not real voters but those that will swing after the money and the free stuff runs out!

Biden is real! Nothing that forces the voter to have to 
read between the lines to find his true message!

democraaat's Front Runner Gone Missing : What To Do?

Pay no attetnion to the details, ''everyone will vote like we tell them to''. Hillary said during her cmapaign, ''the democraaat voter base is stupid enough to vote for anyone no mtter how worthless''!!

Ever wonder why the democraaat leadership now hate Hillary? Well, wonder no longer. She believes she doesn't have to pretend who she actually is and always has been, and the rest of the democraaat collective are now, that nearly all information sources are professing their corporate and personal  hatred for Republicans, Conservatives and of course Donald Trump, her statements of this fact makes all democraaats nervous. Too soon to for revelations?

In fact, the democraaats believe, 'It's way past time to go for ''the brass ring'', ''go for broke'', it's now or never!'' if we will ever again attain total power.

'Never in history have we as democraaats produced so much destructive hate on such a wide scale for a president and for America as it was fraudulently founded, as we have now. We can't let up now even though the country is in crisis with the Wuhan virus as it's best to never allow a crisis like this go to waste.'

Attack the opposition in power on all fronts while they are weakest trying to solve huge problems plaquing the country, and not paying attention to what is going on behind them.

Hit them and hit them again with misinformation, delusional propaganda, and if necessary, use manufactured information or out right lies like The New York Times proclaimed in January of 2016 just after the inauguration of Donald Trump. "We will no longer abide with journalistic rules of  conduct that ethics demands when reporting the facts, we will now do what ever we must to bring down this president.'

It's called willingly and knowingly attempting to over-throw a duly elected president of the United States and his new government by any means necessary. What is that called in plain language?

An entire national party, now a socialist collective dedicated completely to an agenda of only hate for their opposition. No issues to improve the lives of citizens, only destruction of the system for prosperity and individual freedom to gain power. The population must be driven to their knees to abject poverty and capitulant socialistic obedience.

In light of all this, it sure makes sense to vote for democraaats that have our best interesting at heart! Republicans having success is a disaster for democraaats and therefore must be destroyed.

Is Ol' Joe up the task as a destroyer of nations? After 8 years of being second
in command to Barrrack, he can't remember where he hid the money?!

demoicraaats And Communists Will Fix Problems : Bernie AND Ol' Joe Are On The Job!

Just what we need right now is more democraaats to bring some sanity to the problems that all civilized society faces.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

What to Believe From The Media? : Is Everything Fake News?

Then the question that remains is why did FOX fire Trish Regan for saying the Wuhan Virus as a national  threat was a progressive democraaat attack on the Republicans and Conservatives like hte Mueller report and impeachment?

And as recent reports that are now surfacing, the threat is not what the "expert" said the Wuhan virus was.

Why in deed was this cameraman unprotected? Fake News?

''Special Operators'' In Afghanistan : A Strategy For Understanjding Reality?

Here is a short video of ''Special Operators'' or 'Community Orgainzers' in Afghanistan working a deal with the Taliban for a car that they can use if they can make it work. This is part of the new strategy being used to bring some sort of understanding between the two country's and their combantants.

 But it appears what the the ''Operators'' were doing hre wasn't part of the strategy for a peaceful meeting of minds. The special operators had decided a different outcome was better to explain the reality on the ground. The operators understand what success looks like!.


Chuck Schumer Expalins His Agenda : It's A Matter of Timing!

Senator Schumer explains why he is a democraaat and a danger to himself and, more importantly, others! democraaats believe it's past time to stop being Mr. Nice Guy!

It's time to come out of the shadows and show the world who we really are!!!

Is Insanity Generational ? : The Media Would Know!

Exactly what has changed? Did they really ask this question of FDR or can we assume the insanity is generational!

Lemon Pickers Wanted : What Are Your Qualifications?

This is a little dated but still fun and accurate in it's content!


Sally Mulligan of Coral Springs , Florida, read an ad in the newspaper for one of the jobs that most Americans are not willing to do., and decided to apply. She submitted to a Florida lemon grove, but seemed far too qualified for the job. She has a liberal arts degree from the University of Michigan, and a master’s degree from Michigan State University. For a number of years, she had worked as a social worker, and also as a school teacher.

The foreman studied her application, frowned and said, "I see you are well-educated, and have an impressive resume. However, I must ask whether you have any actual experience in picking lemons?”

"Well, as a matter of fact, I have," she said. "I've been divorced three times, owned two Chryslers, and voted for OBAMA twice.”

She started work yesterday.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Things In life That Bring Pain And Frustration : Compiled In One Short Video.

Here is short video that shows all of the things is life that brings you pain. Little things maybe, but still they pile up to make life less interesting when you least expect or want them.

What's More Dangerous then Wuhan Virus? : A Few ThingsThat Come to Mind!

The FBI askes this question everyday and they have compiled this as a starter list for the general public. There are many more but here is a few suggestions for you to get a grip on just how many things are dangerous in life to your well being.

Is politic a blood sport? Ask Jeffery Epstein!

Living A Life of Make Believe : Ignorance is Safety!

The future is not so bright as we all hoped when considering the inevitable consequence of living. When the inevitable truth is discussed, people rage and demand all such talk must end no matter the amount of common sense or logic. It's just easier that way. Look no further then the politics of the progressives. Take the money and run! See how easy that is? Hey, it's worked for generations.

"When ignorance is bliss, tis folly to be wise". 

Pelosi democraaats Grab For Power : Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste!!

Will eating a snickers really help? Probably not. When people in power that believe they are the sole source for intelligence, only chaos and conflict can follow. And the perfect example of that is how the progressive socialist democraaats have preformed in congress getting  the stimulus bill through the legislature to help the nation during this virus situation.

The democraaats couldn't care less about the hurting population. Nancey Pelosi doubled down a grab for power, loading the bill with outrageous items that benefit no one excepts friends of hers and the democraaat collective, and all in the name of progressive socialism.

It was shameless and criminal! But then they are democraaats after all!

What good reason to vote for more democraaats!!! Just what the nations needs in a crisis.

Dogs March to A Different Drummer : Not Bothered by Etiquette Details!

Dog lovers know what this ''wise boi'' is talking about, especially if you have more then one dog. Without getting into any details that will force your lunch to decide on a different location, dogs seem to have a different idea on what is right and proper in a civil society as we know it as humans.

Still, they keep us grounded and as close to reality as they can. Their job is very defined, be a friend in good and bad times without qualification. A perfect example for us to follow!

Image may contain: dog, possible text that says '"It is better to have eaten something and thrown it up... and then eaten it again, than to have never eaten it at all" -Unknown wise boi'
Add caption

Thursday, March 26, 2020

democraaat Leadership Worried About Biden : He Can't Remember Where He Hide The Money!

Just what we need now says democraaat leadership, a democraaat that can't remember where he hide the money?

"I know Barrrack and I found a great place to hide our reward
 for serving the people for 8 years in the Senate, no wait I was - -
someplace high up - -, dang it, where did we hide the money?

Movies We Are Watching Yesterday and Today : What About The Future Timeline?

Movies now and into the future. What will the population be watching?

The "Walking Dead" TV Series : It's Was Based on The New Reality?

And the democraaats have to know, this entire television series was based on the operation of the democraaat collective, formerly the democraaat party,  that's coming to destory all civilized society.

Nancy Pelosi's bill to rescue the economy and her amendments to bill that came out of the Senate is proof she and her collective are not concerned for the larger society, but entirely what they can do to regain power for control. They are here to do us all harm!

You can run but you can't hide!

It's being called Now ''The New Reality'' : ''Shut Up And Do What You Are Told!!''

No problem child, we have toilet paper, who needs food. It's the new normal for the modern family. Who knew it be so easy to adapt to a radical idea, a new agenda and ideology.

And it happened so quickly and easily, totally changing an entire nation to believe they are no longer in control of their own destiny in just a matter of weeks, usually it takes months if not years. History will show it took generations before the consequences became a reality.

''Just shut up and do what you are told!'' and everything will be okay.  See how easy that is?

Is The Wall Important? : The Historical Facts Explained by ''Turning Point USA'' (Video)

Why build the wall? Why is America important and to whom? Is citizenship important? Just look at all of the organizations that demand people who join be registered as members.

A Face That Cannot Lose The Argument : I Am A Winner!

Hey wake up people and smell the coffee! Help is here right by your feet!  Now here is a good reason to look forward to going home if for no other, that will greet you with an attitude that will change the way you feel, it will change your life for the better! A real guaranteed winner! 

They are here for a reason!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Politics Is A Fairy Tale : "I Will Fight For You If Elected'' !!!

And speaking of fairy tails, the number of people running for pubic office has exploded. Clowns to the right and clowns to the left and here we are all stuck in the middle!

Why Don't We Have Circuses Anymore? : It's The Clowms That Matter!

Why don't we have circuses any more? Easy, all of the clowns are now in politics.

Politics And The Young : Are They Involved Enough?(Video)

This is a very bright spot in what is a dark start to our existence in America this year. Just when you thought the young among us don't understand the gravity of the current situation, along comes this young girl explaining politics and her future in the larger society!

Johnny Carson Explains Why He Remains A LateNight Comic!!(Video)

What is it about late night comics that believe they are so important that they have to pontificate on matters that are way above their paygrade? Do you think they actually want to do us all harm with their ideology of destruction and conflict?

Johnny Carson has some good thoughts on that very subject.

Hoarders Stealing From Society : We Can Fix That(Video)

Hoarders are a plague on society and here is a way to fix that!

democraaats Want Chaos : A Winner In November?

The problem with the Wuhan virus is that most of the damage to our country is from the media and their partners, the progressive socialist liberal democraaats that want their power back even it means over your dead body.

And your demise won't be from the virus! They have plans for you!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

America Wonders What Will Happen To Texas : Socialists Are Fleeing To Texas!

Texians understand the rot coming from California! That they shot people from California is over the top, but it seems inevitable that Texas will turn blue eventually, leaving that great state an empty husk like California is now! (But all that will remains is everyone voting democraaat)

Texas is a great place to live now while California is a hell hole of porgressive socialist liberalism and getting much worse. So it makes sense that people will gravitate to some place that actually is a good place to live, but as they move East they also bring the West Coash mentality the failure of progressive socialism with them that has destroyed California.

Texas will not survive the onslaught! look what has happened to Colorado, Arizona and Nevada. And of course Oregon and Washington State are already lost! The rot of socialism is moving East now looking for new victims!

The fear is real! The rot follows like the plague destroying everything 
in it's path!

Wuhan Virus A Challenge For Hillary : Suicide Is So Last Week!

What will Hillary do now about how to get rid of people that know things about her and Billy that might bring her closer to jail? Wuhan virus and not suicide? But never fear, she has been in tighter spot then this!  

New Currency Coming : The Public Will Love This! ''Buttcoin!''

When things get really bad, these people will be able to start a new source of revenue for currency exchange. Buttcoin!

In a crisis, there are people that can see how to make a profit no matter the circumstances!

Ol' Joe On The Stump! : "You Moron, I'm In Charge Here"!

It's a sign of the times when a candidate can attack a member of the voting class and get away with it. Oh, but use this technique unless you are a porgressive socialist liberal democraaat and the media understands your mental capabilities to deal with the public are challenged.

Monday, March 23, 2020

The Dog Was A Professional Greeter : Jack Said ''I'm Very Happy to See you''!

Hello, my name is Jack and I am very happy to see you today. How is your day going? I'm have a lot of fun today. How can I help?

A Good Way to Start The Day : A Monday Morning Heart Warmer (Video)

What a perfect way to start the day, especially on a Monday when we are surrounded by bad news. This short video is heart warming and significant in that it makes the connection between humans and other animals very apparent.

Italy Faces Crushing HealthCare Problems : Some Are Left to Die!(Single Payer?)

Here's just part of the larger article but you can get the jest, the Italians are in a very bad spot. That those in power have to decide who lives and who dies is beyond the pale based solely on there is no room for doctors to treat the sick!

Interesting enough though, what we are witnessing in Italy is exactly what will happen with "single payer" health care that Ol' Joe Biden and the democraaats are says he will bring to America if elected president. 

''Single Payer'' brings back the "death panels'' from OgbjmmaCare where a panel of doctors and bureaucrats must decide a person's worth in the larger society before allowing them to receive life saving care.

Some people are more important they others. And who better to decide this then democraaats!

If You’re Over 80 in Italy and Have Coronavirus You Are Out of Luck

“Italian coronavirus patients who are 80 or older will not receive intensive care if the crisis worsens, under emergency plans being proposed in Turin. The plans drawn up by civil protection officials warn that ‘it will be necessary to apply criteria for access to intensive treatment’ if there are too many patients. The document, seen by the Daily Telegraph, proposes that these criteria must include the age of less than 80. Doctors have already described making life-or-death decisions about who can be treated and who may effectively be left to die.”

One Italian doctor has described the situation as something akin to being in a war. Too many Italians, many of them elderly and some with other health conditions, are coming down with more serious forms of the coronavirus that need a stay in an ICU with a ventilator and medications to get them through. So Italian healthcare authorities are contemplating an extreme form of triage, in which the old are allowed to die in order to give the young and sick a chance to survive.

Old Joe Biden In A Pickle : Staying 6 Feet Away Is a Problem!

Problems! Problems for Ol' Joe. Touchy and feelly Ol' Joe will have to find another way to bring colusure with his constituents. What will old Joe do if he has to stay 6 feet away from everyone?

democraaats Believe Wuhan Virsu A Good Thing? : A Weapon for Success!

Dr. Fauci is driving the narrative of doom? And his confidant, reportedly is Hillary Clinton, are making the solution to the Wuhan virus worse, not better! It has been suggested, reported that Fauci has a connection to Hillary's past campaign for president. (Rumor? Maybe.)

But it does seem he always seems to not actually explain as his facts as clearly as they should be, he seems more politician then a doctor. His rhetoric on many occasions leaves many wondering about what his motives really are.

As he was and is so out in front of the Wuhan virus infection in this country, and how there is a potential to hurt the president in November with his standing on the subject. it's only a natural thing to wonder as history of past democraaat attacks to run-ups in election years has proceeds him.

Is this a problem for obtaining the truth about the virus and is this really a pandemic? As more informtion comes out, as it always does when there is an induced panic is working and the spoils are huge, we will have to deal with it like all of the other attempts to destory this country's citizens that believe in individual freedom, by the progressive socialist democraaats, over the last 13 years.

People who understand freedom and liberty will know the face of tyranny, the any attack on this country from organizations that willingly and knowingly hate the idea of having the freedom to choose, the citizens will vote to remain free! 

Luickly they have failed for the most part to this point in time, but never fear the attacks will continue for every. They will never end no matter the outcome in November. 

But we can slow the destruction if we all don't vote for those that want us dead. Don't vote for the democraaats! They truly want to do us all harm.

So is he really trying to help in this crisis? Stay alert!

The Media Is driving The Wuhan Virus Panic? : democraaats Understand The Crisis Is Useful!

The media if nothing else is about causing as much chaos and conflict as they can in a crisis. There's an election after all coming in November for the leadership of the world and the power, the progressive socialist democraaats believe to control all out comes in the country. Just like berfodre the election in 2016. So what better time then now to cause as much damage as they can to President Trump.

democraaats know to never let a crisis go to waste. Now is the time to attack and keep attacking the President and his supports especially now that they are hurting. Drive the narrative that Trump is out of control and only democraaats can fix the problems facing the country, most of which they caused in the first place.

As the progressive socialist liberal democraaat motto is ''never let a crisis go to waste'', and is front and center as much as it is now with the Wuhan virus in full bloom, they know and understand only panic and fear well remain. A winning scenario democraaats believe for taking back power.

Without the media scream of ''We are all going die'' every minute of every day. This panic would possibly have been over in a matter of weeks and not the supposed months the leadership is taking about, if even then.

But in reality, is this really about just another flu bug in a long string of flu bugs that seems to come and go every year? The biggest difference now is this is an election year and it makes sense for the progressive democraaats to make it as bad as they can even to the point of driving the entire country into economic default.

Can this really be true? Would they willingly and knowingly work to destory the country just to gain back what the progressive socialist democraaats believe is their ''birthright'' power of control?? dah!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Prepping for Security but Hording? : Sad Behavior by The Stupid and Ignorant!

But then it isn't about good sense, it's all about driving the narrative of doom, life without toilet paper. The preppers that work to take care of themselves in an emergency and the horders that fight in the store over toilet paper! A total degeneration of human behavior!

Is this the ''new normal'' Barrrack Ogbjmma was talking about when his economy was failing for 8 years? ''Get use to it'' he said.

Sadly the latter does explain a lot about our current situation of citizens that don't understand who they are living in the greatest country in the world. And the consequences for being ignorant or just plain stupid resulting in fist fights in the store over a product to whip your rear!

Goodness, have we fallen this far from being a civilized in a society where the lowest denominator is the most important?

America Brefore Progressive Socialist Liberalism : The Freedom to Choose!

How did anyone survive without the overreach of government that controls everything we do, say and think? You might not think they are watching us but with regulating everything in our society is for a reason, and because they have been doing it gradually for so long, it has become part of the landscape.

Our daily lives are immersed in the corruption of elites that believe they know what's best for everyone. They believe beyond any doubt you will be better people with them in control. All that is required is to believe it will happen and then vote to make it happen.

A life well lived without responsibility. No one can be better than anyone else. A new way of life.

But the real problem now, today is there are millions ready and willing to give up their individual freedom for promises security. Our culture for decades, or generation even, has been a belief that government is here to help. We, as a modern population have always believe this even when bold facts say just the opposite.

History is riff with those promises of personal security if you turn over your individual freedom to chose to others. But again, the results have always been the same.

When a small body of elites are at the levers of power, only death and destruction can and will result. There has never been a successful progressive socialist power structure that has endured over time.  It cannot and will not succeed. 10's of millions of citizens that have perished learned the hard way of socialists failures.

 And now the elites again are promising everything for nothing for the citizens to accomplish life well lived in a socialist paradise.

'What a good idea! We understand why and how it failed before. We can make it work this time where others have failed!'

Inline              image

Just imagine the progressive's witnessing this and not getting on their phones calling the authorities to stop this horrific action and demanding the children be moved from those abusive homes!!!!!!!

Climate Change is Under the Bus? : Enviro-Fascists Looking for Directions!

It seems everyone has problems with there message of doom and gloom these days as the Wuhan virus experts scream that  this flu virus will kill us all unless we give up our individual freedoms to governeent control.

Now the "changers" entire agenda is beginning to fall apart. The question being asked now is why is this virus so much worse then the H1N1 Swine fle that infected 35 plus million, more then 350,000  hospitalized and killed more then 13,000 last year?

The ''changers'' are demanding the entire planet will die, billions will die from climate change, not some stupid virus! Come on people, wise up to the real threat!

No one is asking how many people have died this year from H1N1? How many have been effected and hospitalized?  But wait, no one either is asking how many might die if we don't spend more moen on reaseach so billion don't die. What's more important, millions dying or billions?

Maybe this entire crisis can be blamed on climate change? See, spending a few $billion more tax dollars is the right thing to do!! Fixing climate change to save us all. Everything else is Trumps fault. is! (oh, the orange man, Trump!)

A Harley Biker Marine Saves The Girl : The Media Express Doubt!

This is a little dated but still brings a message of truth that explains the media of the 21st century. Journalism long dead but is now just a tool for progressive socialists to demand obedience and capitulation to the new normal of a centralized authority. Whether it be a local, state or federal authority, we all must accept this new reality or suffer the consequences of disobedience.

Today, the Wuhan Virus attack and the government's reaction is just one of the first shot across the bow to force compliance to that authority. Everyone must be sequestered or quarantined until told they can again have the "right" to free movement. Everyone must comply they say to stop the dreaded virus in our land. And with nearly all media barking that demand, the population willingly obeys. The government believes it is our best interest to comply to save ourselves.

But many among us are not so sure about the movtivations of our leahers. They are questioning the substance of the facts coming from multiple "experts" against the realty compared to the number of citizen infected by the flu over the years which was in the 10's of millions each year, deaths over the years of 10's of thousands each year and yet that wasn't a problem. 

But it's not a problem now. How many have died this year of the Swine flu, H1N1? How many are and have been effected this year?

The question is, how come? The Wuhan virus(Convid-19) is a flu virus. A upper respiratory virus. The flu, no matter the name is an upper respiratory virus that effects millions every year but now it's a national emergency. Again in years past it wasn't even discussed as an emergency. 

In 2009, the president waited more then 6 months to even discuss it and only after more then a 1000 had died from this flu virus, it was passed off as a news extra when the president declarid and emergency to confront the problem. What a super guy!

All hail the commander and chief!

A Harley biker is riding by the zoo in Washington, DC when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage.  Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the collar of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents.

The biker jumps off his Harley, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch.

Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly.

A reporter has watched the whole event.  The reporter addressing the Harley rider says, 'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I've seen a man do in my whole life.'  The Harley rider replies, 'Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger and acted as I felt right.'

The reporter says, 'Well, I'll make sure this won't go unnoticed.  I'm a journalist, you know, and tomorrow's paper will have this story on the front page...

So, what do you do for a living and what political affiliation do you have?'  The biker replies, I'm a U.S. Marine and a Republican.

The journalist leaves.

The following morning the biker buys the paper to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on the front page:


THAT, my friends, pretty well sums up the media's approach to the news these days......."Know the truth and it will set you free".

Saturday, March 21, 2020

The ''New Wave'' democraaat Agenda : Geriatric Candidates New Debate Forum - Puppets For Control by Others!

Voting democraaat isn't about the country's well being and bringing prosperity to it's citizens, Donald Trump has already done that. This is about the swamp creature criminals like Biden, Comey, Yates, Clapper, Strzok and Brennen, among many many others coming back into power.

Just think about these old geezers mentally failing now and how they will not be able to do the job of leader of the free world, but think of the criminal element that will guide Biden into the sewer of progressive destruction for all of us.

You do remember the revelations about the abuse of power from the democraaats during the run up to the election in 2016 and the 4 years after, right? The absolute corruption in all of the government agencies and departments to one end, destory the president and his adminstraion! 

A virtual attempt to over-throw a duly elected president of the Untied States. A  real "Coup" to over-throw the government by democraaats.

If that isn't enough, there was an immense amount of money that they left on the table when Trump threw the out. They want it back and to continue to once and for all solidify power in their hands that will never again be allowed to be stopped.

The American dream of individual freedom changed for generations.

Jesus Then and Now : "Hey Jesus, Is The Bread Gluten free?"

Jesus feeding of the 5000 then and now! How things change when the good life is all consuming.

Inline image
Modern man has too much time on his hands to reflect on
the reality of his own condition of prosperity.

Climate Change Heroine In A Fix : Angry and Out of A Necessity! Unacceptable!

Everyone has problems now and it aint pretty! Climate change heroine finds things in the real world that are not listed on her agenda as acceptable! 

Some things have to be seen as a necessity. Figure out how to blame 
climate change for this situation later. She wants reality to happen now!
