Here is a short video of progressive democraaat Nancy Pelosi explaining how to attack opposition members with lies and deception, with the aid of the main steam media, that admits a willing assistance to publishing any lie or deception necessary to destory Donald Trump and all Republicans or Conservatives.
This is right out of Saul Alinsky's book, a communist organizer, ''Rules for Radicals'' was written as a guide to get as many people to become radicalized and willing to attack the established laws for a civilized society.
As the New York Times has openly admitted after the inauguration of Donald Trump as president in January 20th, 2016, they will no longer abide by the ethics of honest journalism reporting only facts, but now will use managed facts or outright lies to accomplish their goal as an advocate for the destruction of a duly elected president and his government.
In straight talk, the New York Times became a willing participant to over-throw a duly elected president and government by any means necessary. And of course we all know they weren't alone in this task. Many other democraaats were on the move from the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA and the State Department. All taxpayer supported institutions of the federal government.
(Highlight the URL here, copy and paste it above, open, then look to the footer for the ''open'' tab)
This is right out of Saul Alinsky's book, a communist organizer, ''Rules for Radicals'' was written as a guide to get as many people to become radicalized and willing to attack the established laws for a civilized society.
As the New York Times has openly admitted after the inauguration of Donald Trump as president in January 20th, 2016, they will no longer abide by the ethics of honest journalism reporting only facts, but now will use managed facts or outright lies to accomplish their goal as an advocate for the destruction of a duly elected president and his government.
In straight talk, the New York Times became a willing participant to over-throw a duly elected president and government by any means necessary. And of course we all know they weren't alone in this task. Many other democraaats were on the move from the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA and the State Department. All taxpayer supported institutions of the federal government.
(Highlight the URL here, copy and paste it above, open, then look to the footer for the ''open'' tab)