Welcome to the world of reality - a world built on sound Conservative principles that Wisconsin has shown work. The progressive liberal left in Wisconsin and nationally, unions and Democrats, are spending huge amounts of money on the recall of 6 Republicans state senators, hoping to turn the senate in their favor, that stood strong against more spending and out of control government corruption, enduring vicious attacks, both personal and media attacks on them and their families.The whole focus of the attacks are to stop the Conservatives from succeeding in turning the state around. A prosperous Wisconsin, under the leadership of Republicans and Conservatives, will spell disaster for progressive liberal Democrats and their union friends that drove the state into a financial nightmare.The WISCONSIN MIRACLE at a glance!
Vicki McKenna on Tuesday, July 26, 2011 at 9:06am
Almost every article run in the papers concerning Wisconsin's State government has "Associated Press" at the top of the column, and the stories seem to be slanted to make the Governor and the Republican majority State Legislature appear to be destroying the school system, all labor unions, the middle class, jobs, children, and old people.
The list of State Republican accomplishments is a very positive message...
We have suffered through a decade of overspending in Wisconsin, and the reality of an anti-taxpayer, anti-job, anti-business climate in this State, that raised the tax-burden for the citizens of Wisconsin to the 4th highest in the nation. The result was a multi-billion dollar hole in our state budget of over $2,000 per taxpayer.
Our new Governor, along with the Republican led Legislature, have.....
-Turned a 3.5 billion dollar budget deficit into a surplus, without raising taxes on the citizens of Wisconsin
-They have given local communities and schools the tools that they need to hold the line on expenses and prevent teacher layoffs
-They have guaranteed that property taxes will not skyrocket as has been common in the past
-They have expanded "school choice" to give parents and students more education options
-They have provided tax incentives for businesses to move to Wisconsin, and to reinvest in Wisconsin They have passed legislation to ensure the integrity of the vote, through election reforms
-They have passed "enterprise zone" legislation to help bring jobs to depressed areas of Wisconsin
-They have passed legislation requiring a super-majority for passage of any future tax increase legislation
over 40,000 jobs created since the beginning of the year, and the best june jobs numbers since 2003.
-They have paid back 234 million dollars that were taken from the segregated and privately financed "Patients Compensation Fund", that the previous administration had illegally used for general State expenses.
-They have paid back 56 million that was owed to the State of Minnesota for years, eliminating both the debt, and the interest that was compounding annually.
-They have rolled back the expensive auto insurance mandates of the last administration
-They have repealed the taxes on Health Savings Accounts, making it easier to save for future health needs
-They have opened the door to a more open government. They are building a website where every Wisconsin citizen will be able to see how the government spends your hard-earned tax dollars.
-They have turned our State, from one of the top ten "most likely to default" States in the union, into a State that pays it's bills, and operates with a budget surplus, all without further burdening the taxpayer or driving away business. rolling back the outrageous tax punishment called "combined reporting", which punished companies who had corporate headquarters in WI by taxing them twice.
Taxes at the State level increased almost 2 billion dollars (1.976 billion) during 2007-2011 under the previous administration. The new 2011-2013 budget actually lowers the Wisconsin State tax burden by 24 million dollars. This is a significant change in direction. It will help promote economic development, and induce manufactures to bring more jobs back to Wisconsin.
Wisconsin's ranking on "good places to do business" has risen 17 places nationally. The latest Department of Workforce Development release of June jobs data shows that Wisconsin had added more than 12,900 new private sector jobs. Fully 50% of the jobs added in the entire United States last month, were the result of job gains in Wisconsin.
More jobs means prosperity, and new business brings more jobs.
Our improved Wisconsin business environment is encouraging more business activity, and with it, comes the jobs that will pay the bills, both for our citizens, and for their necessary government services.
If we fail to continue this new direction of fiscal responsibility, if we return to the days of ever-more-taxation, and ever-more-spending, Wisconsin will return to the list of "States most likely to default". Wisconsin would become a State of fewer public services, with less opportunity for employment.
Our families deserve more than a return to budget deficits, and ever-higher-taxes.... our families need the healthy, vibrant, growing economy that fiscal responsibility and low taxes nurture.