Thursday, October 17, 2024

Answers to Why Politicians Seem Ignorant! : They Are Unteachable!

Usually if the politician that's running for some kind of office in their local community, they will have to be competent as everyone else knows them for who they actually are.

But if some clown decides to make his or her move to the big time, it becomes so much easier to lie about who they are leaving the electret dumfounded and careless. They might make a big mistake from trying to escape the craziness, they just want to make this all go away.

The conclusion will be total destruction of the country as we know if you vote from ignorance.

The democraaats are running to take whatever they can
from the ignorant and those that trusts the system to take
care of them! A fool is born!!

The qualifications Needed for Success : First, Pay Attention to Instructions!!

 You know there will always be someone that just has to do their thing while everyone else pays attention to the group leader when they explain what needs to be done for success!!

The Mental Age Among Politicians: Growing Up Is Too Confusing!!

 What this sound like a little girl's response at recess, acting irrationally with her classmates, is questioned by adults about her behavior on the playground.

Just imagine watching this same little girl addressing and explaining to the nation as president of the United States our response to a China invasion of Taiwan. 

I'm sure you will have that secure feeling of being in the hands of a qualified person to lead our military to protect our nation! 

Vote in November like you have a clue about what is coming for America if you fail to do the right thing!!   Choose with no regret!

Kamomala's interview with Bret Bear yesterday was an
exercise like watching a child explaining why
she should be allowed to ride her bicycle out in a hailstorm!

Make sure you know who voted for her to make your 
life a living nightmare of chaos, conflict and failure.

Remember this small but profound statement as well from
someone in our checkered past who understands the
 situation better than most if not all of those
who will vote for Kamomala ;

''If you do an autopsy of all
great nations you find they all commit suicide''!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

The Atlas Comet In The Western Sky!

 Last seen 80,000 years ago! Stay away from light pollution to see it!

Kamomala AND Joe Did It All! : Joe, ''We Were A Team for Success!!"

One has to wonder how things can and will become clearer that Kamomala can't unload Joe since she was his Vice President for four years! Remember she said she was always the last person in the room when important decisions were made.

Now of course she denies she was vice president. The last 4 years of her job as ''vice president'' was a calamity but were the fault of Donald Trump. Isn't she just amazing!

As a result, we have to believe she is mentally ill and demand she be sent to a medical facility to be exanimated for regressive cognitive failure. Then to, Joe will be in the next room with his ''sippy cup'' and a bowl of ice cream. Finally, a really happy camper! 

After lock -up sfor further investigation, her first call with be to someone that knows her intimately and will vouch for her abilities, Willy Brown! She won't call her husband as he's tied up with the new nanny!

This angers Jill as well, in that she can't compete with Kamomala and her vast abilities to persuade others to do her bidding. Talents few women are willing to use to get what they want like kamomala who applies her talents as needed. (How the hell do ya think she got to be AG in California?)

Always vote  democraaat to make life painful and short!

The team that brought conflict and chaos from 
successful prosperity for everyone!

Where's there's Smoke, There's Fire! : Jill Is Not Happy With Kamomala!!

''Hell has no fury like a woman scorned!'' and Jill Biiyden is not a happy camper being thrown under the bus. She believes she deserves better given she took the responsibility leading Joe by the hand every day and everywhere he went to make him look like a viable person who is in control of his faculties and not some drooling demented slug. 

(We all knew for years, of course that Joe was just this side of having the brain power of a tomato, but yet commander and chief of the military!)

How Jill has been shoved into a dark place by some slick California third grader who thinks she can win the big prize while Jill is shown the door! Jill has always wanted to be center stage for another 4 years making all of the important decisions for Joe and being a real person, not just a nanny to clean up after Joe messes in his pants.

So, it becomes clear who is directing ''mush head'' Joe to attack the candidate who seems to be even worse than Joe for being cognitively helpless, a moron of gigantic proportions, Jill has no problem for what she is doing to level the playing field.

She believes if she can't be top woman in the country, no two-bit whore from California won't be either!

Have We Lost Reality? : Is This Gone Too Far?

 Maybe we have lost what is right behavior concerning our animals and what they need to survive. Will we feel better that if we can provide protection for them, why not do it, right? Yikes!! 

What's next?

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Calvin Touches On Trump's Sensitivities!? : democratic Dad Reacts!

Sure, fluff boy isn't president anymore, thank God, but is still on the campaign trail for his fourth term. He sees his newest puppet struggling so he believes his past magic will save the day.

But Sometimes people don't like to be confronted with issues that they don't have answers for which makes debating difficult.

Voting For Life, Liberty and The pursuit of Happiness''!! : There Are No Other Options!


Ask any Marxist liberated democraaat this one question that is above all others to find out who they are and what they believe is truth, ''Are you better off now then 4 years ago?''

Vote early and work hard to press the flesh with the message, this could be our last chance to save the country from an ugliness beyhond our free capitalist comprehension. The Marist democraaats want to end the freedom to choose, replacing it with the iron fist of a totalitarian authority. 

Kamomala's entire history is on display depicting a communist agenda, a one rule authority showing freedom is not possible for the little people. A legacy of corruption and a failuref to deliver. 

It's all there if you care enough about yourself and your family's future to take notice and then vote to stoep the possible coming nightmare if you fail in your task.

She promises One law, One rule and One authority to make it happen! Believe otherwise is risking your own demise. 

Don't be fooled


When You Have Nothing Else! : Projection! Look Over There!!

 The mainstream media! ''Hey, look at the shiny object over there! See those terrible people talking about they want better life!! All lies!''

A criminal will always blame someone else for the crimes they commit.  The Marxist liberated democraaats are no different. They understand that their strategy has always been to blame others for everything that has gone wrong in the country.

One of the worse of theses laminations was from Berry Ogbymma in his second year of his second term, after 6 years in office, for the bad economy on Geoge Bush. 

"The previous president left us with an economy that was worse than we thought. We have been playing ''catch-up'' ever since day one.''

Deception, misinformation and outright lies concerning everything the democraaats do. It's just way of things, the rule of the day. They have nothing else to offer so fantasize, mislead the public.

 It's just easier to do this than actually have legitimate reasons to exist. It's who they are!!

Remember democracy was being stolen by Trump?