Friday, January 17, 2025

Some Questions That Demand Answers! : What Is A Man?

 The debate rages on but with the emergence of common sense and good leadership that now is here, the problem will finally be answered bringing some release of stress that has built up over the last generation or so.

Given the last several polls that indicate a large majority of people stated they are not on in favor with the demand for men being in women's bathrooms or locker rooms. 

And at that the same time, nearly the same majority polled asked the question as to why no women want to enter men's bathrooms or shower in men's locker rooms?

Who come they ask?

Being Vegan Has Some Problems : Some People Just Want to Help!

 Being neighborly is what Ameria is all about. When a situation that is seen as not steeped in common sense or rational behavior, it becomes the duty of good people that are grounded manners with citizenship integrity to go the extra mile to find a solution that will help those that need it the most, even when it means some push back might occur!!

Starting the young on the right path will being good result
whne they are able to decide on their own what is right
and rational.

Biiyden Singles Out Hillary For Honors! : Commendation For Excellence!

 According to unnamed sources, the medal ceremony didn't go planned even though it looked legitimate. The media did a job on air brushing the problems out so no one is the wiser!!

 Still, the media had no problem but some of the White House staff complained giving her this award was not in keeping the integrity of the award itself.

After all Hillay does have a ''marked'' past with her connection to the deaths of Vincent Foster, Mark Rich and Jeffery Epstein among others not mentioned in her personal biography at th FBI.

No one really knows what transpired but it just seemed strange that when she was on the job, things happened!

Thing just seemed to happen to pople that have a
dirstion connection to the Clinton. (Maybe that's 
why her nick name is''The Fixer''!)

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Very Pinnacle of Hypocrisy : Now The Metal of Freedom for A democraaat!!

 The agenda and ideology of any serious  democraaats is about control of all aspects of other people's lives. The freedom to choose is dangerous for the Marxist neo-communist collective that believes the people are happier while others tell them what and when to do their individual tasks!

The very agenda of democraaats has always been to divide and conquer. Let no stone unturned to find a way to being as much hate among every ethnic, religious or political institutions as they can knowing once the different organization are at war with each other they will be easier to bring them under their communist socialism's control. 

What takes one breath away is knowing she
is the consumet criminal bar none and yet
the democraaats set her as a beacon of virtue.

Lying as a way of life to obtain as much of
what others have.

He led Them to The Water But No One Could Drink!!

 Newsom, ''Burn baby burn! Once the fires go out, we can take another look at what we have wrought as a result of the last 40 years of democraaats, for the most part or maybe with a few sudo republicans thrown into the mix, having the power to give California a solid agenda for the people to prosper!

But as history will record, the damage that has taken place in California at the hands of democraaats is unprecedented for its enormity and totality! A one-party system of abject failure for the people while the politicians get richer!

Maybe the good in this destruction coming to light will be for the people to once and for all say 'enough is enough' of the democraaats. Oh wait, no one believes that! Most of the people in California will always vote democraaat no matter how bad the situation. It's just who they are! If the vote at all it will for democraaats!

democraaats in life and death will always vote the same way!

But why is it so difficult for the people to see and make
the changes to success from total failure?

Finally, Joe Seals The Deal! : One Last Legacy Photo Shoot!

 Who would have thought old Joe's friends would do this in his final hour as president? Really, Joe just wants to exist on a high note to fill in his legacy chops for future generation to marvel at this native borne intelligence and amazing flexible moral and ethical standards that he developed over 50 years in government employ!

Truly, Joe Biiyden is one for the books that will be studied for generation to come! Oh, and all of those the stood close over those fantastic years of productive excellence will also be studied!

No one could have predicted these events to actually
become a reality. But if there ever was a standard for
a failed administration, Joe and the Marxist liberated

The sewers of hell it's self have nothing on Joe 
and the Marxist democraaats!!
democraaats have set the bar for others to avoid.

Chil! : Only 5 More Days!!!

 Calvin needs help in many ways, but math seems to be strong suit!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

She Raises The Heat! Voodoo Does Work? : But Beer Is Stronger!! (Video)

 Everyone in the deepest cajon country knows voodoo is strong medicine. But there are even stronger antidotes to counter the effects of the voodoo! Or so it seems!

How to Live Your Life! : Calvin Says Wake Up to Reality Now!

Where do we go from here says Calvin as he and Hobbs discuss what's next if we don't take notice of where we have been and understand the quality of life what we have now. 

But then what is the consequences for falling asleep!

What Will Happen to The Media Now? : A New Strategy? nah!!

 If the reality of a dying narrative of ''Trump is Hitler'' wasn't enough to destroy their organizations credibility, then to double down on that strategy will. They are on the bottom now scratching for views and readers but are finding the old play book of hate and character assassination isn't enough today to make a living with that narrative.

And yet, they seem to be heading in that direction. And they want to regain creditability amongst the voters?

By the way, where can they go now that the road for success has already been taken in spades by the loyal opposition!!!!