Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Calvin Touches On Trump's Sensitivities!? : democratic Dad Reacts!

Sure, fluff boy isn't president anymore, thank God, but is still on the campaign trail for his fourth term. He sees his newest puppet struggling so he believes his past magic will save the day.

But Sometimes people don't like to be confronted with issues that they don't have answers for which makes debating difficult.

Voting For Life, Liberty and The pursuit of Happiness''!! : There Are No Other Options!


Ask any Marxist liberated democraaat this one question that is above all others to find out who they are and what they believe is truth, ''Are you better off now then 4 years ago?''

Vote early and work hard to press the flesh with the message, this could be our last chance to save the country from an ugliness beyhond our free capitalist comprehension. The Marist democraaats want to end the freedom to choose, replacing it with the iron fist of a totalitarian authority. 

Kamomala's entire history is on display depicting a communist agenda, a one rule authority showing freedom is not possible for the little people. A legacy of corruption and a failuref to deliver. 

It's all there if you care enough about yourself and your family's future to take notice and then vote to stoep the possible coming nightmare if you fail in your task.

She promises One law, One rule and One authority to make it happen! Believe otherwise is risking your own demise. 

Don't be fooled


When You Have Nothing Else! : Projection! Look Over There!!

 The mainstream media! ''Hey, look at the shiny object over there! See those terrible people talking about they want better life!! All lies!''

A criminal will always blame someone else for the crimes they commit.  The Marxist liberated democraaats are no different. They understand that their strategy has always been to blame others for everything that has gone wrong in the country.

One of the worse of theses laminations was from Berry Ogbymma in his second year of his second term, after 6 years in office, for the bad economy on Geoge Bush. 

"The previous president left us with an economy that was worse than we thought. We have been playing ''catch-up'' ever since day one.''

Deception, misinformation and outright lies concerning everything the democraaats do. It's just way of things, the rule of the day. They have nothing else to offer so fantasize, mislead the public.

 It's just easier to do this than actually have legitimate reasons to exist. It's who they are!!

Remember democracy was being stolen by Trump?

Monday, October 14, 2024

Shop Lifting At Walmart : Caught! (Video)

 Absolutely amazing what these people can do to steal marketing enterpriser's stuff like Walmart or any other type of store that has merchandise on display in arms reach.

It's said they can even walk out the door unnoticed stealing small TV sets!!??

Northing is SAFE!

The Past Fantasy IS Real Now! : Who Knew? (Video)

 Interesting how the more things change, the more they stray the same. Nothing new under the sun. Live looking 3 dimensional holographic ''presence'' of objects in your living room? It's almost hear now!

What's next? How about ''teleportation''? We already have something close with television, so why not solid objects like on Star Trek!

''Beam me up Scotty!!''  heh

Voting For A Quick Death! : Kamomala Understands The Process! Buy Them!

 Kamomala was ''raised in a middle-class family'' of two college professor so if you understand our university System, you know who she is. And if that's not enough she spends several years in Canada and then moved to the dream land of California where she rose to power, and where everything is beyond parade.

And of course, you have to know just how living and working in the California justice system works, little is left to wonder what and who she is.

If you still have questions, talk to the former mayor of San Fransico, Willard Brown who took her under his sheets,  his ample arm to make her shine in the justice system of that great state! Brown had a lot of infancy in the state so making her a great district prosecutor and then state's attorney general wasn't a problem.

Also, Kamomala understood she had nothing to offer intellectually so the next best thing was to find someone who could and would do the heavy lifting for her given the right motivation!

In Kamomala world, everything is for sale. She is one pf
the best at making things happen with the talent she has!

Biiyden In North Carolina : ''What Happened Here?''

 Old Joe has no idea what day it is or even why he got out of bed in the morning.  Or even worse, wondering why he isn't still sleeping?

''Hey, how did I get here and how come - - - wait, why all the wrecked houses and water everywhere? Yeah, fly me all over hell just to see what happens when a water main breaks? Come on man, why all - - hey who are these people any way, they look funny, was this a costume party and this is some kind of joke? 

'' I'm hungry! When's lunch!?

''Mr. president, there's an emergency overseas you have to know about, President Xi says he wants Taiwan back right now or else! He sounds angry!'' ''Say what - -- - what - wait - - who are you? What's a Taiwan?"

''Hey, where's Jill? I have to go potty!''

The best of the democraaats is Commander and Chief of the United States miliary!! Always vote democraaat for national security!

Our friend in need, our federal government is here to help!!!

His third term coming to an end, looking for his fourth!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Another Definition of True Marxist Liberated Socialism! : It's Basic AND Dangerous! (Video)

Okay, I've used this before to illustrate just what we are dealing with, but when the occasion calls for a renewal of the obvious, it still makes good sense to use it again! 

Remember, they are different people entirely and they want to do us all harm!

Pray The Dog Is Right!

 There are certain situation that point us in the direction we should go for positive outcomes. All that's necessary is to observe these particular signs, understand them for that they are and then act accordingly.

Sure, it just a dog laying on the floor but it was just a hurricane coming ashore. See the sings and then act to make sure we survive!!

Choose with no regret! We were warned. Falling asleep is not an option.

Puzzling Effects of Nature!? : Mother Nature Abused!!

There are forces in our current universe that make life interesting and more than a little dangerous to our wellbeing.

The only thing, we as a people, is to understand what's happening and then contemplate what the effect will be if we ignore what we have to know is true but not right in the real world and then what we need to do to set our current universe back on track to obtain positive results.

The alternative is beyond comprehension. Destiny's clock is ticking!

Time to choose!