Thursday, April 18, 2024

Slide Into The Weekend With Milissa Manchester - Midnight Blue! (Video)

 This is so good and relaxing as Dolly Parton joins in to make it sensational! I gotta love this one!

God Has to Love Us or He Wouldn't Allow This!

 Now this does make a lot of sense. The perspective has to be a lot better than standing on a pile pf dirt!

What Seemed like A Normal Day At Work But Then : CRASH! (Video)

 One never really knows from one day to the next what will happen to change everything, but when the totally unexpected happens, real life begins again!

Mother nature's child is lost and looking for a way home!

Changing your Life Is Easy! : Dream Big!!!(Video)

 Is the hum drum of the daily routine doing bad things to your lifestyle? Well, take charge! Make your dreams come true of living a life with substance!

Take a different route today! The difference between a bullshit life of going nowhere to heading to somewhere fast starts with you.

Take charge! Be somebody special even if neighbors think you've lost what few marbles you might have had. Screw them! Go for it!!

Two For The Price Of One! : Caught In Life's Evil Trap!

This is amazing and might be a onetime thing! Feeding on the free stuff has consequences where millions are feeding in the government trough and getting unwittingly caught up in the Marxist trap of forcing people to live at the will of others!

Some can and do escape but most are trapped!

God, Family and Country : Our Heritage to Fight For!!

 And this is what infuriates the Marxist liberated democraaats the most, that we are God fearing citizens who understand what our job is to our God, our families and our country. 

It's just who we are, and we will not be driven to believe anything else. We can do no less than what all those that came before us did to preserve our heritage for our birthright of freedom and liberty.

Pray that push doesn't come to shove! (AGAIN)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Hump Day Music : What A delight!! (Video)

This is so innovative and fun to listen to and watch as the music makes its way into a bright and delightful familiar interlude. Enjoy![0]=AZVzG_CpCkVkujOAGCzDSQj5EQz9NSUk0Ns5sk1Y0z5_q838pQrBzeZzL_FHYArQGMPzqYRyOWH35gCCNjp7-iDuswu2TLkxLT7hj0eURHwhCdVwQiCjidywTXqjj6apJPM_y3YIp78hVxX_z6155C7LuEE9mkUaZ7TrzZftadIAPQ&__tn__=H-R

The Burning Question for November: Biiyden or Trump?

 Everyone must understand that this is what we can look forward to if Joe Biiyden is dragged back into the White House next November. They are getting ready for their last chance to make it to the land where everything is free!

They are coming now as the time is short. If Donald Trump actually takes office, everything will change. The free stuff will go away and the trip back home will be much worse then the one they are on now!

But thiserr people are told anytignb can happen in an American election as the last one was proof!

Joe says, ''we love all of you, so cone on in''!

Just imagine how nice life will be once we get to America!

Why The absurd Rule The Land! : Ignorance Loves Company!

 When you see a sign like this, one has to wonder if they are using for common sense and logic. What is even more scary is you have to know the people in change are without any moral standing being this ignorant in the ways of human existence.

Easy for the criminals to do whatever they want as there
are only law-abiding citizens on the premise!

Whatz Good For The Goose? : You Must Obey The Law!

 Asd it's the rule of the land today, those at the levers of power and with huge bank accounts understand, the law is actually only as good as the people who are in charge of administering it!

As we all know by experience, those in charge of our country are mostly criminals! 

Do as I say or go to jail or worse!!

The powerful have privilege. Those who don't must obey!